jorgegorka / svelte-router

Svelte Router adds routing to your Svelte apps. It's designed for Single Page Applications (SPA). Includes localisation, guards and nested layouts.
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Prefix and public subpath gives 404 #130

Open jobcespedes opened 2 years ago

jobcespedes commented 2 years ago

I am trying to serve a spa from subpath app/. However it is giving 404 errors when https://localhost:5000/app/

The reason for it, its to serve another web site from root ( and this app in app/ (, but from a different server


From a base setup, the following steps were followed:

  1. Add app prefix to the app: Ex: <Router {routes} options={ {prefix: 'app'} } />
  2. Move public/ content to public/app.
  3. Change path references in public/app/index.html to include '/app'. Example: src="/build/bundle.js" to src="/app/build/bundle.js"

More details

Step 2

Before step 2, public/ looked like:

├── build
│   ├── bundle.css
│   ├── bundle.js
│   └──
├── config.js
├── favicon.ico
├── global.css
├── index.html
└── static
    └── fonts

Now it looks like:

└── app
    ├── build
    │   ├── bundle.css
    │   ├── bundle.js
    │   └──
    ├── config.js
    ├── favicon.ico
    ├── global.css
    ├── index.html
    └── static
        └── fonts

Step 3

index.html content is now:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" />

        <title>Kio web</title>

        <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/app/favicon.ico" />
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/app/global.css" />
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/app/build/bundle.css" />

        <script defer src="/app/config.js"></script>
        <script defer src="/app/build/bundle.js"></script>


Expected result

https://localhost:5000/app/ loads app index route

Actual result

https://localhost:5000/app/ redirects to https://localhost:5000/app/404

jorgegorka commented 2 years ago

Hello @jobcespedes:

Can you, please, post the contents of the routes file?

jobcespedes commented 2 years ago

Hi Jorge,

Here it is route.js content:

import { get } from 'svelte/store'
import { isAuthenticated } from '$lib/storages/authStorages'
import Index from '$views/Index.svelte'
import Login from '$views/Login.svelte'
import SSO from '$views/SSO.svelte'
import SignUp from '$views/SignUp.svelte'
import Sites from '$views/sites/Index.svelte'
import SiteDetail from '$views/sites/Detail.svelte'
import CreateSite from '$views/create-site/CreateSite.svelte'
import SiteLayout from '$views/sites/_layout.svelte'
import IndexLayout from '$views/_layout.svelte'
import NotFound from '$views/NotFound.svelte'

const isAuth = () => get(isAuthenticated)

const defaultGuard = { guard: isAuth, redirect: '/login' }

const routes = [
        name: '/',
        component: Index,
        layout: IndexLayout,
        onlyIf: defaultGuard
        name: '/login',
        component: Login
        name: '/sso',
        component: SSO
        name: '/sign-up',
        component: SignUp
        name: '/sites',
        component: Sites,
        layout: SiteLayout,
        onlyIf: defaultGuard
        name: '/sites/:id',
        component: SiteDetail,
        layout: SiteLayout,
        onlyIf: defaultGuard
        name: '/create-site',
        component: CreateSite,
        onlyIf: defaultGuard
        name: '404',
        path: '404',
        component: NotFound

export { routes }
jobcespedes commented 2 years ago

Hello, Changing something related to sirv in package.json partially help:

diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 2a26324..23934ea 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
        "scripts": {
                "build": "rollup -c",
                "dev": "rollup -c -w",
-               "start": "sirv public -s",
+               "start": "sirv public -s app/index.html",
                "lint": "npm run format && eslint --ignore-path .gitignore .",
                "format": "prettier --write --plugin-search-dir=. .",
                "pretty": "npx pretty-quick --write \"{,!(node_modules|public)/**/}*.{js,svelte}\""

However, one issue remains (it could be some config or route missing on our part). Using http://localhost:5000 works. It is redirected http://localhost:5000/app/ automatically. However, using http://localhost:5000/app/ directly in the url bar, does not work. It gives http://localhost:5000/app/404

jobcespedes commented 2 years ago

I found that using http://localhost:5000/app/ directly in the url, looks for a pathname '/app'. So we add one route with than name, redirecting to "/" and now it works. I do not know if it qualified as a bug or just some route missing.

For completion of this issue, I am appending the routes.js with the fix:

import { get } from 'svelte/store'
import { isAuthenticated } from '$lib/storages/authStorages'
import Index from '$views/Index.svelte'
import Login from '$views/Login.svelte'
import SSO from '$views/SSO.svelte'
import SignUp from '$views/SignUp.svelte'
import Sites from '$views/sites/Index.svelte'
import SiteDetail from '$views/sites/Detail.svelte'
import CreateSite from '$views/create-site/CreateSite.svelte'
import SiteLayout from '$views/sites/_layout.svelte'
import IndexLayout from '$views/_layout.svelte'
import NotFound from '$views/NotFound.svelte'

const isAuth = () => get(isAuthenticated)

const defaultGuard = { guard: isAuth, redirect: '/login' }

const routes = [
        name: '/',
        redirectTo: '/app'
        name: '/app',
        component: Index,
        layout: IndexLayout,
        onlyIf: defaultGuard
        name: '/login',
        component: Login
        name: '/sso',
        component: SSO
        name: '/sign-up',
        component: SignUp
        name: '/sites',
        component: Sites,
        layout: SiteLayout,
        onlyIf: defaultGuard
        name: '/sites/:id',
        component: SiteDetail,
        layout: SiteLayout,
        onlyIf: defaultGuard
        name: '/create-site',
        component: CreateSite,
        onlyIf: defaultGuard
        name: '404',
        path: '404',
        component: NotFound

export { routes }
jobcespedes commented 2 years ago

Please omit last message. A new pathname and redirect is not needed. My mistake. Running npm ci fixed it.

jobcespedes commented 2 years ago

Still an issue when deploy to web server (npm run build). However, appending # to the end of the URL works. Ex