jorgegorka / svelte-router

Svelte Router adds routing to your Svelte apps. It's designed for Single Page Applications (SPA). Includes localisation, guards and nested layouts.
MIT License
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Netlify, Vite and SPA mode #138

Open cliveportman opened 1 year ago

cliveportman commented 1 year ago

Deploying to Netlify, I've always found adding "start": "sirv public -s"

to sort out the issue of routes returning a 404. But it's not working for me with this project. Is it Vite? If so, what's the solution? Adding the same to package.json makes no difference.

Kokoserver commented 1 year ago

Please can anyone answer this

ktunprasert commented 1 year ago

You need to add a rewrite rule when deploying to vercel. Here is an example vercel.json on your root directory (next to package.json)

  "rewrites": [
      "source": "/(.*)",
      "destination": "/"

The above example will rewrite all path to your root destination, meaning every request to any path will be served by your SPA router.