jorgejgnz / HPTK

Hand Physics Toolkit
MIT License
330 stars 32 forks source link

Vector and Quaternion no longer working on LeapMotion integration with latest version of Leap software #18

Closed aunymoons closed 1 year ago

aunymoons commented 1 year ago

2022-10-10_21-48-31 devenv_2022-10-10_21-47-58

Apparently they have changed the implementation of these two classes since i dont seem to find them on any of their UnityPackages.

I checked that my leap is working with another app, why does it seem that Unity cannot find these classes?

aunymoons commented 1 year ago

Managed to fix it, was just a matter of removing all references and switching them for the Unity ones.

Since this was inside an integration package. I dont know where to do a PR to, so ill just paste it here in case anyone else runs into this issue.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Diagnostics;
using UnityEngine;
using Leap.Unity;
using Leap;

namespace HandPhysicsToolkit.Input
    public class LeapMotionInputDataProvider : InputDataProvider
        [Header("Leap Motion")]
        public Transform origin;

        [Header("Scale estimation")]
        public bool autoScale = true;
        [Range(-1.5f, 1.5f)]
        public float scaleOffset = 0.0f;
        public BoneScales defaultBoneScales;

        private Quaternion thumbTrapeziumRotation, leapToHPTKRotation;

        public override void InitData()

            thumbTrapeziumRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(side == Helpers.Side.Left ? 75 : -75, Vector3.up) * Quaternion.AngleAxis(side == Helpers.Side.Left ? 180 : 0, Vector3.right);
            leapToHPTKRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(side == Helpers.Side.Left ? 90 : -90, Vector3.up) * Quaternion.AngleAxis(side == Helpers.Side.Left ? 180 : 0, Vector3.right);

        public override void UpdateData()

            var hand = side == Helpers.Side.Left ? Hands.Left : Hands.Right;
            if (hand == null)
                log = "No hand/bone data!";
                confidence = 0f;

            log = "Updating from hand tracking...";

            * 0 - wrist
            * 1 - forearm
            * 2 - thumb0
            * 3 - thumb1
            * 4 - thumb2
            * 5 - thumb3
            * 6 - index1
            * 7 - index2
            * 8 - index3
            * 9 - middle1
            * 10 - middle2
            * 11 - middle3
            * 12 - ring1
            * 13 - ring2
            * 14 - ring3
            * 15 - pinky0
            * 16 - pinky1
            * 17 - pinky2
            * 18 - pinky3

            // Wrist and forearm
            SetBonePosAndRot(0, hand.WristPosition, hand.Rotation);
            SetBonePosAndRot(1, hand.Arm.ElbowPosition, hand.Arm.Rotation);

            // Thumb
            // Handle additional thumb joint by creating a "fake" trapezium located at same point as metacarpal root with a "realistic" orientation
            bones[2].space = Space.Self;
            bones[2].position = hand.WristPosition - hand.Fingers[0].bones[1].PrevJoint;
            bones[2].rotation = Quaternion.Inverse(LeapToUnityQuaternion(hand.Rotation)) * Quaternion.LookRotation(hand.Direction, hand.PalmNormal) * thumbTrapeziumRotation;
            SetBonePosAndRot(3, hand.Fingers[0].bones[1], hand.Fingers[0].bones[1].PrevJoint, Quaternion.LookRotation(hand.Direction, hand.PalmNormal));
            SetBonePosAndRot(4, hand.Fingers[0].bones[2], hand.Fingers[0].bones[1].PrevJoint, hand.Fingers[0].bones[1].Rotation);
            SetBonePosAndRot(5, hand.Fingers[0].bones[3], hand.Fingers[0].bones[2].PrevJoint, hand.Fingers[0].bones[2].Rotation);

            // Index
            SetBonePosAndRot(6, hand.Fingers[1].bones[1], hand.WristPosition, hand.Rotation);
            SetBonePosAndRot(7, hand.Fingers[1].bones[2], hand.Fingers[1].bones[1].PrevJoint, hand.Fingers[1].bones[1].Rotation);
            SetBonePosAndRot(8, hand.Fingers[1].bones[3], hand.Fingers[1].bones[2].PrevJoint, hand.Fingers[1].bones[2].Rotation);

            // Middle
            SetBonePosAndRot(9, hand.Fingers[2].bones[1], hand.WristPosition, hand.Rotation);
            SetBonePosAndRot(10, hand.Fingers[2].bones[2], hand.Fingers[2].bones[1].PrevJoint, hand.Fingers[2].bones[1].Rotation);
            SetBonePosAndRot(11, hand.Fingers[2].bones[3], hand.Fingers[2].bones[2].PrevJoint, hand.Fingers[2].bones[2].Rotation);

            // Ring
            SetBonePosAndRot(12, hand.Fingers[3].bones[1], hand.WristPosition, hand.Rotation);
            SetBonePosAndRot(13, hand.Fingers[3].bones[2], hand.Fingers[3].bones[1].PrevJoint, hand.Fingers[3].bones[1].Rotation);
            SetBonePosAndRot(14, hand.Fingers[3].bones[3], hand.Fingers[3].bones[2].PrevJoint, hand.Fingers[3].bones[2].Rotation);

            // Pinky
            SetBonePosAndRot(15, hand.Fingers[4].bones[0], hand.WristPosition, hand.Rotation);
            SetBonePosAndRot(16, hand.Fingers[4].bones[1], hand.Fingers[4].bones[0].PrevJoint, hand.Fingers[4].bones[0].Rotation);
            SetBonePosAndRot(17, hand.Fingers[4].bones[2], hand.Fingers[4].bones[1].PrevJoint, hand.Fingers[4].bones[1].Rotation);
            SetBonePosAndRot(18, hand.Fingers[4].bones[3], hand.Fingers[4].bones[2].PrevJoint, hand.Fingers[4].bones[2].Rotation);


            // Set confidence to 1 if values are unreliable
            confidence = CanUseConfidence() ? hand.Confidence : 1f;

            // Hand scale estimation
            if (autoScale)
                var handScale = GetMeanHandScale(hand);
                scale = handScale + scaleOffset;

            log = "Updated from hand tracking!";

        void SetBonePosAndRot(int idx, Bone leapBone, Vector3 parentPos, Quaternion parentRot)
            bones[idx].space = Space.Self;
            bones[idx].position = parentPos - leapBone.PrevJoint;
            bones[idx].rotation = Quaternion.Inverse(LeapToUnityQuaternion(parentRot))* LeapToUnityQuaternion(leapBone.Rotation);

        void SetBonePosAndRot(int idx, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot)
            // Wrist and forearm in world space
            bones[idx].space = Space.World;
            bones[idx].position = pos;
            bones[idx].rotation = LeapToUnityQuaternion(rot);

            if (origin)
                bones[idx].position = origin.TransformPoint(bones[idx].position);
                bones[idx].rotation = origin.rotation * bones[idx].rotation;

        Quaternion LeapToUnityQuaternion(Quaternion rot)
            return rot * leapToHPTKRotation;

        bool CanUseConfidence()
            // Find the LeapSvc.exe as it has the current version
            string path = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles), "Leap Motion", "Core Services", "LeapSvc.exe");

            if (File.Exists(path))
                // Get the version info from the service
                FileVersionInfo myFileVersionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(path);
                string versionString = new string(myFileVersionInfo.FileVersion.Where(c => c == '.' || char.IsDigit(c)).ToArray());

                // Parse the version or use default (1.0.0)
                Version version = new Version();
                Version.TryParse(versionString, out version);

                // Gemini (V5) currently reports incorrect confidence values
                if(version.Major == 5)
                    return false;

            return true;

        float GetMeanHandScale(Hand hand)
            var acc = 0f;
            acc += hand.Fingers[0].bones[2].Length / defaultBoneScales.thumbProx;
            acc += hand.Fingers[0].bones[3].Length / defaultBoneScales.thumbDist;
            acc += hand.Fingers[1].bones[1].Length / defaultBoneScales.indexProx;
            acc += hand.Fingers[1].bones[2].Length / defaultBoneScales.indexInter;
            acc += hand.Fingers[1].bones[3].Length / defaultBoneScales.indexDist;
            acc += hand.Fingers[2].bones[1].Length / defaultBoneScales.middleProx;
            acc += hand.Fingers[2].bones[2].Length / defaultBoneScales.middleInter;
            acc += hand.Fingers[2].bones[3].Length / defaultBoneScales.middleDist;
            acc += hand.Fingers[3].bones[1].Length / defaultBoneScales.ringProx;
            acc += hand.Fingers[3].bones[2].Length / defaultBoneScales.ringInter;
            acc += hand.Fingers[3].bones[3].Length / defaultBoneScales.ringDist;
            acc += hand.Fingers[4].bones[1].Length / defaultBoneScales.pinkyProx;
            acc += hand.Fingers[4].bones[2].Length / defaultBoneScales.pinkyInter;
            acc += hand.Fingers[4].bones[3].Length / defaultBoneScales.pinkyDist;

            return acc / 14f;

        public class BoneScales
            // Ignore thumb meta as HPTK has an extra bone
            // Vales set at default hand model scale
            public float thumbProx  = 0.03379309f,
                        thumbDist   = 0.0247f,
                        indexProx   = 0.0379273f,
                        indexInter  = 0.0243017f,
                        indexDist   = 0.0216f,
                        middleProx  = 0.04292699f,
                        middleInter = 0.02754715f,
                        middleDist  = 0.0241f,
                        ringProx    = 0.0389961f,
                        ringInter   = 0.0265734f,
                        ringDist    = 0.0222f,
                        pinkyProx   = 0.03072041f,
                        pinkyInter  = 0.02031138f,
                        pinkyDist   = 0.0212f;
jorgejgnz commented 1 year ago

@aunymoons I've included your modifications as part of the integration package for Leap Motion. Thank you!