jorgensd / mesh_converter

A mesh converter from EXODUS 2 to XDMF
MIT License
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PETSc segfault when loading facet meshtags #4

Closed drtloudon closed 5 months ago

drtloudon commented 5 months ago

I've created a simple exodus tetrahedral mesh of the domain (-1, +1)^3 with cell blocks and facet blocks. I'm able to successfully convert the mesh to .xdmf format using mesh_converter. However, when I try and read the facet meshtags into dolfinx I get a PETSc seg fault error. The following lines of code reproduce the error:

from dolfinx import io
from mpi4py import MPI
xfile = io.XDMFFile(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 'unit_cube_tet.xdmf', 'r')
mesh = xfile.read_mesh(name='Mesh')
block_data = xfile.read_meshtags(mesh, name='Mesh')
fmesh = xfile.read_mesh(name='Facet_Mesh')
bdry_data = xfile.read_meshtags(fmesh, name='Facet_Mesh') #Problem

The above runs fine with the last line commented. The error message is:

[0]PETSC ERROR: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[0]PETSC ERROR: Caught signal number 11 SEGV: Segmentation Violation, probably memory access out of range
[0]PETSC ERROR: Try option -start_in_debugger or -on_error_attach_debugger
[0]PETSC ERROR: or see
[0]PETSC ERROR: or try on GNU/linux and Apple Mac OS X to find memory corruption errors
[0]PETSC ERROR: configure using --with-debugging=yes, recompile, link, and run
[0]PETSC ERROR: to get more information on the crash.
[0]PETSC ERROR: Run with -malloc_debug to check if memory corruption is causing the crash.
MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
with errorcode 59.

NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.
You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on
exactly when Open MPI kills them.

The .xdmf file looks perfect in Paraview and correctly shows the cell blocks and facet blocks. Any help is appreciated. My goal is to use the bdry_data meshtags to apply boundary conditions in dolfinx.

jorgensd commented 5 months ago

I would need the xdmf and h5 file to diagnose the issue.

drtloudon commented 5 months ago

I'm able to recreate the error with the mesh I emailed you yesterday, but I'll also send you this particular file. Thanks.

jorgensd commented 5 months ago

You are reading the the facet tags in the wrong way. Here is an MWE:

from dolfinx import io
import dolfinx
from mpi4py import MPI
xfile = io.XDMFFile(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 'quarter_shell_tet.xdmf', 'r')
mesh = xfile.read_mesh(name='Mesh')

block_data = xfile.read_meshtags(mesh, name='Mesh')
mesh.topology.create_connectivity(mesh.topology.dim-1, mesh.topology.dim)
bdry_data = xfile.read_meshtags(mesh, name='Facet_Mesh')  # Problem