jorio / Bugdom

🐛 Pangea Software's Bugdom for modern systems
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Support for cheats? #2

Closed eisnerguy1 closed 3 years ago

eisnerguy1 commented 3 years ago

So, I was looking at the official Bugdom Cheat Page, and I can't figure out how to activate some of these in 1.3.0:

• When you're on the Main Menu, hold down the F10 key and click the start game icon. This will bring up the Level Cheat Dialog which lets you start on any level.

• During game play, the following cheats work: Apple + F1 = win this level Apple + F2 = win the game Apple + F3 = Full Health Apple + F4 = Full Ball Timer Apple + F5 = Full Inventory Apple + F6 = Toggle Liquid Invincibility Apple + F8 = frame rate Apple + F9 = display debug

The only one I can get working is the Level Cheat Dialog. I tried Command+FKey but, that didn't work. I also tried Command+FN+FKey but, that didn't do anything either.

Are these supported in 1.3.0?


jorio commented 3 years ago

Most of these still work, but you need to hold down the tilde key instead of command. I had to make this change because many Cmd+FKey shortcuts are reserved by macOS nowadays.

eisnerguy1 commented 3 years ago

Ah, gotcha. Thanks for clarifying that.

`+FN+F2 just produces this, instead of winning the game:

Screen Shot 2021-01-02 at 10 34 30 AM

`+FN+F8 doesn't display the frame rate

All of the other ones work.

Kinda related: I'm trying to get F12 to take screenshots. According to the Instructions PDF: F12: Does a special pause for taking screen shots. Input Sprocket is disabled during this special pause and there is no “paused” icon.

I've tried `+FN+F12, FN+F12 & ALT+FN+F12 and I'm not seeing any screenshots either on my Desktop or in ~/Library/Preferences/Bugdom. Is this functionality still included? Thanks!

jorio commented 3 years ago

Yeah, not all cheats are the same as the original game.

Extra stuff I added:

eisnerguy1 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for clarifying that! Having such a blast playing Bugdom again :D

jorio commented 3 years ago

Closing this issue because I documented the cheats in and added a link in the readme.