jorio / Bugdom

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Any way to change Windowed/Fullscreen resolutions via a menu option? #25

Closed eisnerguy1 closed 2 years ago

eisnerguy1 commented 2 years ago

I was wondering if there was any way to change the resolution of the game via a menu option? I know that there is the "--fullscreen-resolution WIDTH HEIGH" command line option but, there's no option to change the resolution while in Windowed mode. Ideally, I'd love an option to have the game's resolution as 1280x960/2x scaled. Or, if that can't be done, maybe include a command line option for "--windowed-resolution WIDTH HEIGH" and also include 1280x960 as a valid option?

My main issue is that the UI just stretches while in Fullscreen mode.

Here's Windowed mode:


And then Fullscreen mode: Bugdom_Fullscreen


jorio commented 2 years ago

Version 1.3.2 has an option to constrain the viewport to a 4:3 aspect ratio in the settings.

eisnerguy1 commented 2 years ago

Thanks! 😄