jorio / Nanosaur

Nanosaur source port 🦖
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MacOS 13.5, control trouble with Spotlight Search & emoji keyboard #41

Open ringohoffman opened 1 year ago

ringohoffman commented 1 year ago

While trying to relearn the controls after last playing this like 20 years ago (holy shit and thank you for your work on this port!)... I found myself triggering:

Which both have to be escaped in order to regain control of nanosaur, which can be quite awkward/frustrating, particularly when managing enemies...

While keeping in mind that users may have potentially remapped these shortcuts, is there a way to prevent the system from popping up these functionalities while the program is active?

jorio commented 1 year ago

In "fullscreen mode", the game currently uses a borderless window. Using a true fullscreen mode instead might prevent macOS from taking over certain inputs.

I'll consider making true fullscreen the default mode in future macOS builds. To try it out in the meantime, in Window.c:196, change the last param to SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN.

ringohoffman commented 1 year ago

Yup! It works!

ringohoffman commented 1 year ago

One downside seems to be that you can't cmd + tab to tab away from the program with this setting, though cmd + q to close the program is still respected.