jorisschellekens / borb

borb is a library for reading, creating and manipulating PDF files in python.
3.33k stars 148 forks source link

OSS-Fuzz Integration #204

Open ennamarie19 opened 1 month ago

ennamarie19 commented 1 month ago

My name is McKenna Dallmeyer and I would like to submit borb to OSS-Fuzz.

If you are not familiar with the project, OSS-Fuzz is Google's platform for continuous fuzzing of Open Source Software.

In order to get the most out of this program, it would be greatly beneficial to be able to merge-in my fuzz harness and build scripts into the upstream repository and contribute bug fixes if they come up. Is this something that you would support me putting the effort into?

Thank you!

jorisschellekens commented 1 month ago

Hi McKenna,

Feel free to clone the repository and use your clone however you seem fit.

If you do have a pull request you'd like to merge into the main repository, you would need to sign the contributor license agreement.

The process is outlined in in the repository.

Kind regards, Joris Schellekens

ennamarie19 commented 1 month ago

Hi Joris, Thank you so much! Roger that! I do need an email to include in the submission to OSS-Fuzz for a project maintainer so that you are kept in the loop of any bugs that are uncovered. Should I use

Thanks! McKenna

jorisschellekensbc commented 1 month ago

Hi McKenna,

I suggest you take ownership of this particular project (that is to say borb + OSS-Fuzz). So feel free to use your email as the project maintainer.

Once you do merge into master, we can see about adding me as maintainer.

Kind regards, Joris