josauder / mee-deepreefmap

Source code for "Scalable Semantic 3D Mapping of Coral Reefs with Deep Learning"
16 stars 4 forks source link

Labeled data available? #2

Open Jordan-Pierce opened 7 months ago

Jordan-Pierce commented 7 months ago

Hi, this a great paper! Are the labels available along with the original training data?

sgraine commented 7 months ago

I would also love the know the answer to this!

This zenodo link seems to have some videos available but not the polygon annotations described in the paper:

Would be awesome to access the original labels used in the paper.

pingchuan commented 6 months ago


这个 zenodo 链接似乎有一些可用的视频,但没有论文中描述的多边形注释:


I'm a newbie, I found that the lossfunction function of the sfm folder is missing, can you please complete it?

josauder commented 6 months ago

Hi! Sorry about this! Will update the Zenodo repository as soon as possible!