joscha / play-authenticate

An authentication plugin for Play Framework 2.x (Java)
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Utilize in a non-Play Framework application #233

Open jaybytez opened 9 years ago

jaybytez commented 9 years ago

This is really just a basic question.

I really enjoy the framework and it works well for me in my Play application, but I might be rewriting the application within Grails. Would I be able to port the API over to use with Grails by just migrating the underlying Akka code to something supportable in Grails (I don't know what that is)? Or is the framework and it's relationship with Deadbolt to locked in to Play and it's APIs?

Thanks so much for your time and hard work!

joscha commented 9 years ago

Unfortunately I think most of the module is quite Play-specific. Doesn't spring work well with Grails?