joschu / trajopt

Trajectory Optimization
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executing trajectory with openrave #35

Open lakshmip001 opened 5 years ago

lakshmip001 commented 5 years ago

I ran the executable ./

but I keep getting the following

Optimization results:
cost values: (4.38951, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
constraint violations: (5.32029e-10)
n func evals: 8
n qp solves: 7
[('joint_vel', 4.389512672128216), ('cont_coll_0', 0.0), ('cont_coll_1', 0.0), ('cont_coll_2', 0.0), ('cont_coll_3', 0.0), ('cont_coll_4', 0.0), ('cont_coll_5', 0.0), ('cont_coll_6', 0.0), ('cont_coll_7', 0.0), ('cont_coll_8', 0.0)][('pose', 5.32028718373695e-10)]
result is printed
No handlers could be found for logger "openravepy"
2019-03-12 17:22:00,263 openrave [WARN] [kinbody.cpp:1299 KinBody::GetLinkEnableStatesMask] pr2 has too many links and will only return enable mask for first 64
result is printed after collision
checking final constraint

please help me how I can execute on the robot?