josdejong / mathjs

An extensive math library for JavaScript and Node.js
Apache License 2.0
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SyntaxError: In "GeV^-2", "^" must be followed by a floating-point number #2086

Closed 2018Cool closed 3 years ago

2018Cool commented 3 years ago

Version: 8.1.1 Code: import { fraction, multiply, format } from 'mathjs' const transfer_amount= +format(multiply(fraction(this.acceptForm.transferAmount), fraction(PAYMENT_CONVERSION)), { fraction: 'decimal' })

wangkangfeng commented 3 years ago

Going back to 8.1.0 fixed it for us.

josdejong commented 3 years ago

Thanks for reporting. How can I reproduce this issue?

lssdo12 commented 3 years ago

Going back to 8.1.0 modify package.json: "mathjs": "8.1.0"

josdejong commented 3 years ago

@lssdo12 how can I reproduce this issue?

m93a commented 3 years ago

Closing as "cannot reproduce".

CaledoniaProject commented 3 years ago

Same error in 9.4.4, has to downgrade to 8.1.0. Only reproduciable with npm run build, not in live mode

app.43ad66f7631ca0a39db3.js:89 Uncaught SyntaxError: In "GeV^-2", "^" must be followed by a floating-point number
    at Function.S.parse (app.43ad66f7631ca0a39db3.js:89)
    at new S (app.43ad66f7631ca0a39db3.js:89)
    at app.43ad66f7631ca0a39db3.js:89
    at a (app.43ad66f7631ca0a39db3.js:89)
    at Object.NHnr (app.43ad66f7631ca0a39db3.js:89)
    at t (manifest.eeb2c031c0c552bd70ec.js:1)
    at window.webpackJsonp (manifest.eeb2c031c0c552bd70ec.js:1)
    at app.43ad66f7631ca0a39db3.js:1
lssdo12 commented 3 years ago

@lssdo12 how can I reproduce this issue?

import mathjs can produce that

CaledoniaProject commented 3 years ago

@josdejong Please reopen and investigate this issue. The stack above should be helpful to you

m93a commented 3 years ago

Please provide specific steps so that we can reproduce the error. So far you have failed to provide any useful information.

The code in OP works without a problem.


CaledoniaProject commented 3 years ago

The only thing I did in VUE is

import { evaluate } from 'mathjs'

methods: xxx() {
   return evaluate(xxxxx)
CaledoniaProject commented 3 years ago

Hmm, looks like a babel or math expression evaluator version issue


m93a commented 3 years ago

I've created a new Vue project, imported evaluate and called it. I've tried running the app both in developer mode and in release mode. Everything works as expected for me, no error or anything. Here's my repo:

Could you try to create a minimal repo that reproduces this issue?

mydansun commented 2 years ago

2022-06-29 still has the same problem

josdejong commented 2 years ago

@mydansun thanks for reporting. How can we reproduce this issue exactly? So far we have no clue how to reproduce it.

perchecc commented 2 years ago

hello, i find the same problem at 2022-08-27,can you provide solutions for this problem?thank u. here is package.json of my vue project. image i had use mathjs for 8.1.0, but it has no effect.

here is my util function that use mathjs

import { create, all } from 'mathjs'
const config = {
  number: 'BigNumber',
  precision: 20
const math = create(all, config);
export default {
  numberSqrt: function (arg1) {
    return math.sqrt(arg1)
  numberExcept: function (arg1, arg2) {
    return arg2 == 0 ? 0 : math.divide(arg1, arg2)
  numberRide: function (arg1, arg2) {
    return math.multiply(arg1, arg2);
  numberAdd: function (arg1, arg2) {
    return math.add(arg1, arg2);
  numberSub: function (arg1, arg2) {
    return math.subtract(arg1, arg2);

when i use this util on dev enviroment,it's right;but if build for production enviroment,it's error. image

josdejong commented 2 years ago

Is this also an issue in the latest version of mathjs, v11.1.0? If so, can you provide a minimal way to reproduce the issue?

lokialone commented 1 year ago

have the same promble @11.10.0,


josdejong commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting @lokialone . How can I reproduce this issue?

My guess is that you're using a unicode dash character that looks like the minus symbol -.

Tishinator commented 6 months ago

Getting the same issue with 12.3.1 Using VueJs, Browser: Firefox

Works fine with no errors if I run my project through 'npm run dev' but when I run my project through 'npm run build' I get the error.

Here's how the code is being used: import * as math from 'mathjs';

all we're using is the math.evaluate function. Works fine in dev.

Tishinator commented 6 months ago

Update: Downgraded the version to 8.1.0 as others suggested and it seems to resolve the issue.

might want to look into the version differences there.

dvd101x commented 6 months ago

Tried to replicate by:

Importing mathjs as:

import {create, all} from 'mathjs'
const math = create(all)



No issues either in npm run dev or npm run build

Also tried importing mathjs as stated (I think it's not recommended):

import * as math from 'mathjs'

Still no issues either in npm run dev or npm run build

@Tishinator do you have more information that could be useful to replicate this issue?

dvd101x commented 6 months ago

Also tested mathjs 12.3.1 still with no issues in dev or build with either method of importing mathjs.

Tishinator commented 6 months ago
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Here's the extremely simplified version of what im working with: (ive tested with this code and got the same results)

            // yards to inches
            let value = 3
            let equation = "value * 1296.0";

            const scope = {
                value : value
            this.thisNum = math.evaluate(equation, scope)

Works on 8.1.0, Works on dev, Fails on live (build)

dvd101x commented 6 months ago

Tried to replicate by:


import { create, all } from 'mathjs'
const math = create(all)
let value = 3
let equation = "value * 1296.0";

const scope = {
  value: value

math.evaluate(equation, scope)

No issues found in build or dev.

Also tried

import * as math from 'mathjs'

No issues found in build or dev.

Also tried running vue 2.7.7 with both methods of importing mathjs in build or dev. The issue was still not present.

I see you are using vue 2.5.2, it's no longer supported. Could you try to use the current version of vue just to see if it solves the issue?

Could you try importing ?

import { create, all } from 'mathjs'
const math = create(all)
josdejong commented 6 months ago

@Tishinator is it possible to share a (minimal) git repo that demonstrates the issue? Since we've trouble replicating the issue on our side.

Tishinator commented 6 months ago

unfortunately for work reasons i cannot. but I will try and build a new project from home when i get the chance on a smaller scale.