josdejong / svelte-jsoneditor

A web-based tool to view, edit, format, repair, query, transform, and validate JSON
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Make it TypeScript compatible #19

Closed apirogov closed 2 years ago

apirogov commented 3 years ago

I am using typescript in my project and e.g. when I use "createAjvValidator" and pass it a schema, TypeScript complains because due to the comment in the code it thinks there is some JSON type and my data is not of that type.

It would be great if the exposed functions would be made properly TypeScript compatible, or at least fixed in a way that TypeScript is not confused and treats everything as any instead of non-existing types.

josdejong commented 3 years ago

Yes, I would like to convert the source code to TypeScript.

This requires some fiddling with the build setup to get this all working though. Help would be welcome.

cloakedninjas commented 2 years ago

So - now that v6 is released and in lieu of source being in TypeScript - will there be .d.ts file provided? DefinitelyTyped is missing this project

josdejong commented 2 years ago

Yes the plan is to make this a TypeScript project. The Svelte setup is TypeScript-ready but there where some issues getting the mocha tests working with TypeScript files.

Help would be welcome.

josdejong commented 2 years ago

I've fixed the setup so it all works with TypeScript. I've converted a couple of files already, though most files still have to be converted. We'll get there 😄

cloakedninjas commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the update, but ideally the types.d.ts file gets placed alongside the dist file


import { JSONEditor } from 'svelte-jsoneditor/dist/jsoneditor';

Still results in TS7016: Could not find a declaration file for module 'svelte-jsoneditor/dist/jsoneditor'

And once that's created, a module or interface will be needed for the whole library too, e.g.

export declare interface SvelteComponentConstructor {
    target: HTMLElement;
    props?: JsonEditorOptions;

Cheers 👍

cloakedninjas commented 2 years ago

Also - The types.d.ts file that's included in the npm package is not the same as the src/lib/types.ts - The @ts-ignore annotation is missing and now after installing the latest (0.3.53) version, fails to compile:

TS2304: Cannot find name 'SvelteComponentConstructor'.

josdejong commented 2 years ago

Yes indeed, there is work to be done. A couple of things:

josdejong commented 2 years ago

Things should be improved a lot in v0.3.54. Not sure if it works for all setups but the TS definitions work in a standard SvelteKit application and a standard TypeScript create-react-app.

Can you give it a try @cloakedninjas?

josdejong commented 2 years ago

I see when using the bundle, the type definitions can be found, but in a typical setup you get a lot of warnings about missing source maps (pointing to TypeScript source files that are not part of the npm package). Looking into it.

cloakedninjas commented 2 years ago

I see when using the bundle, the type definitions can be found, but in a typical setup you get a lot of warnings about missing source maps (pointing to TypeScript source files that are not part of the npm package). Looking into it.

Just installed 0.3.58 and first thing that I noticed was:

export default class JsonEditor extends SvelteComponentTyped<JsonEditorProps, JsonEditorEvents, JsonEditorSlots> {

Which relies on

import { SvelteComponentTyped } from "svelte";

in node_modules/svelte-jsoneditor/components/JSONEditor.svelte.d.ts

But we don't use Svelte in our project

josdejong commented 2 years ago

Thanks for trying it out. That is a good point. Those interfaces are indeed defined in the Svelte package. So either you will have to import svelte just for the type definitions, or we somehow should copy those interfaces so you don't have to import svelte.

Help would be welcome.

cloakedninjas commented 2 years ago

If auto-generating these definitions is proving tricky, then I would suggest crafting a manual .d.ts file that matches your API and either bundling it the npm package or submitting it to DefinitelyTyped under @types/svelte-jsoneditor

Since I don't image Svelte should be a required dependency for users of the ES bundle

josdejong commented 2 years ago

Yes indeed, the library should not require installing svelte.

Manually crafting the definitions could be an option indeed, though auto generating them has my preference as a maintainer of the library 😁 . The definitions are part of the library itself and I think we should not move them to a separate @types/svelte-jsoneditor library.

josdejong commented 2 years ago

To solve the missing TypeScript definitions of svelte, I've made svelte a dependency of the project now in v0.4.0. It feels not ideal and it is only needed for the types, but I think having an ugly working solution is better than having no solution. In a next step, I would like to see if we can output type definitions alongside the bundle to make the svelte dependency redundant again.

Also, I managed to fix the sourcemap, so that is included again in v0.4.0 too.

Can you guys give it a try?

josdejong commented 2 years ago

I've just published v0.5.0, which is split in two npm packages:

The vanilla-jsoneditor package has zero dependencies. The types of dependencies like svelte and immutable-json-patch are embedded too to achieve that.

I'm closing this issue now. If there are still TS related issues please reopen a new issue.

CarterFendley commented 2 years ago

Pardon for posting after closed, but are there typings for the vanilla-jsoneditor? I am using this library with VueJS & TS and ran into issues when attempting to upgrade.

josdejong commented 2 years ago

@CarterFendley yes there are typings for vanilla-jsoneditor, it should work. If you look in you will see the file index.d.ts listed, and this is referenced in package.json in the field "types": "index.d.ts".

I did a little test in a new react typescript app to see if I get types, that works as far as I can see:
