josdejong / svelte-jsoneditor

A web-based tool to view, edit, format, repair, query, transform, and validate JSON
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feat: hidden value plugins #397

Closed 1pone closed 3 months ago

1pone commented 5 months ago

Export HiddenValue value plugins, to fix the inability to customize value components for version vanilla

josdejong commented 5 months ago

I had a look into the long term solution that is discussed in #375 to make it possible to create components in vanilla JS, and it turns out using Svelte actions works like a charm, see #398.

If we have that solution working, this HiddenValue component is probably not needed: you can implement it yourself then (and refine the experience to make it a true password component). What do you think?

1pone commented 5 months ago

Wonderful! I'll try to implement it by myself in vanilla JS as soon as it's officially released. At that point, I'll close this pr if it works.

josdejong commented 4 months ago

I've finished and merged #398 (not yet published)