josdejong / svelte-jsoneditor

A web-based tool to view, edit, format, repair, query, transform, and validate JSON
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ES5 module import relies on nodeJs imports #444

Closed Ketec closed 2 weeks ago

Ketec commented 3 weeks ago
Module build failed: UnhandledSchemeError: Reading from "node:url" is not handled by plugins (Unhandled scheme).
Webpack supports "data:" and "file:" URIs by default.

The vanilla version (not svelte).

Why is it using nodeJs specific functionality that is not available in browser environments without custom polyfills?

josdejong commented 3 weeks ago

The library should not contain node.js specific code. The code of svelte-jsoneditor doesn't contain node:url, so this may originate in one of the dependencies.

How can I reproduce your issue?

Ketec commented 3 weeks ago

All i did was import and create a new editor in a Angular project (webpack 5).

url and path are nodeJs libraries and are not available in the browser. Older webpack used to bundle these as polyfills by default.

I believe these are the culprits

josdejong commented 3 weeks ago

Did you import the source code of the project? That indeed contains Node.js files needed to built the library.

If you install the library via npm you'll not get those files.

luc-enspired commented 3 weeks ago

Same issue here, since ~15h ago. React project, webpack 5.90.0, importing vanilla-jsoneditor v0.23.5 via npm.

Still trying to figure out, any help appreciated.

Ketec commented 3 weeks ago

I installed with npm and imported it into the project. Were they somehow included with the bundle/index? This would cause webpack attempt to compile them.

jdimmerman commented 3 weeks ago

This is also bringing down our build. Stack:

52.39  @ ../../../../node_modules/fast-uri/index.js 3:12-31
52.39  @ ../../../../node_modules/ajv/dist/runtime/uri.js 3:12-31
52.39  @ ../../../../node_modules/ajv/dist/core.js 22:14-38
52.39  @ ../../../../node_modules/ajv/dist/ajv.js 4:15-32
52.39  @ ../../../../node_modules/vanilla-jsoneditor/index.js 1:15241-15261 1:580480-580482

This is the issue:

josdejong commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks @jdimmerman , that explains it. So, as a workaround, you can pin down the version of ajv in your package.json:

  "svelte-jsoneditor": "0.23.5",
  "ajv": "8.14.0"


  "vanilla-jsoneditor": "0.23.5",
  "ajv": "8.14.0"
Ketec commented 3 weeks ago

Interestingly, i already have ajv at 8.12.0 So i wonder if it was introduced earlier in a part of ajv i didn't use or import.

The standalone.js version is fine however.

josdejong commented 3 weeks ago

@Ketec maybe there are two issues at play here, with a different cause. Can you share a stacktrace of the error that you get?

jdimmerman commented 3 weeks ago

@josdejong Any idea how to set this transient dependency for yarn 2.x (berry)? I'm able to set the dep, but yarn is still attempting to install fast-uri even if its not making use of it

josdejong commented 3 weeks ago

Did you define the version numbers as exact in your yarn file? I don't use yarn so I'm afraid you're a bigger expert on it than me.

jdimmerman commented 3 weeks ago

Ah, no I figured it out. CI was on a different version of yarn with slightly different resolution syntax. Fix for yarn:

"resolutions": {
    "ajv@npm:^8.14.0": "npm:8.14.0"
Ketec commented 3 weeks ago

Using npm, it is fixed - can also verify by lockfile and also cheking installed folder in node_modules.

Stack trace is being unhelpful as it is entirely from webpack stack.

Should also mention that i am running v18.18.2 - which should be used by webpack during compile time.

Looking through packages, another dependency is jsonrepair that uses node:uri

josdejong commented 3 weeks ago

Looking through packages, another dependency is jsonrepair that uses node:uri

That node:uri import is there since 2023-11-30, half a year already, and this code is not loaded when loading svelte-jsoneditor, so I don't think it's related.

Just to be sure: did you update to the latest version of ajv that has the node import fixed again?

@Ketec can you create a minimal example on demonstrating your issue? Without a way to reproduce your issue and without any stacktrace I don't know how I can help you.

ngub commented 3 weeks ago

@Ketec I had a similar issue in an Angular 15 project. Angular packages have a dependency on ajv@8.12.0. Explicitly overriding ajv version for vanilla-jsoneditor worked for me:

// package.json
"overrides": {
  "vanilla-jsoneditor": {
    "ajv": "8.14.0"
josdejong commented 2 weeks ago

This issue should be fixed with ajv@8.16.0. Please reopen if there are still issues.