josdejong / svelte-jsoneditor

A web-based tool to view, edit, format, repair, query, transform, and validate JSON
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The standalone js file is not aligned to the latest version #445

Closed derldalfor100 closed 3 weeks ago

derldalfor100 commented 3 weeks ago - is not the latest stable version. I saw it has been used in the playgrounds and in the README files. Though, the minified version is indeed aligned to the latest stable version.

josdejong commented 3 weeks ago

Maybe the CDN is a bit behind or there is some caching involved or so? It may be resolved tomorrow.

josdejong commented 3 weeks ago

You can also use a specific version:

derldalfor100 commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks. Looks like CDN caching issue, now it works as expected.