jose-elias-alvarez / nvim-lsp-ts-utils

Utilities to improve the TypeScript development experience for Neovim's built-in LSP client.
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[FEATURE REQUEST] Add an option to disable typescript-language-server hints #55

Closed nawordar closed 3 years ago

nawordar commented 3 years ago


Feature description

typescript-language-server in combination with a linter such as ESLint results in duplicated diagnostics, such as the diagnostic about unused variables. Both VSCode and coc offer such an option, but it is not yet built in typescript-language-server (see:


Yes, but I don't know how to start. I would need guidance

Implementation help

I have made a crude implementation in my config:

lspconfig.typescript.setup {
  on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
    on_attach(client, bufnr)

    client.handlers['textDocument/publishDiagnostics'] =
      function(err, method, result, client_id, buf_nr, config)
        local filtered_diagnostics = {}
        for _, diagnostic in ipairs(result.diagnostics) do
          if diagnostic.source ~= 'typescript' or diagnostic.severity ~= 4 then
            table.insert(filtered_diagnostics, diagnostic)
        result.diagnostics = filtered_diagnostics

        return vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_publish_diagnostics(

I'm not sure where I would need to put it. client.lua seems to be the most fitting place. Maybe checking for an appropriate option inside require('nvim-lsp-ts-utils.client').setup and then setting the wrapper would be a good idea?

jose-elias-alvarez commented 3 years ago

Sure, I think it makes sense to implement this here, and I agree that that's the right approach. Your implementation looks good – let me look into this a bit more and I'll see what makes sense.

Edit: I think it would also be nice if we could make it easier for users to filter diagnostics by level, since I know a common complaint re: typescript-language-server is the inability to filter out things like the CommonJS module diagnostic.