joseamaita / openopc120

OpenOPC for Python 1.2.0 (works with Python 3.7+ and Pyro4 4.80+)
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After KB5004442 OPC Gateway does not work #8

Open ClaudioCamera opened 2 years ago

ClaudioCamera commented 2 years ago

The KB5004442 raise authentication level for all non-anonymous activation requests from DCOM clients to RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_INTEGRITY . The OPC Gateway which purpose is getting rid of DCOM issues is not working neither in open nor dcom mode when the "RequireIntegrityActivationAuthenticationLevel" is hardening to force the authentication level to the mentioned above. For reference After March 14, 2023 it´s not gonna be possible to use none of the code to communicate diferent nodes.

duduyoyo commented 4 months ago

Try this to avoid DCOM hardening issue for your OPC app.