josean-dev / dev-environment-files

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:Mason command is not work #2

Closed LauGaHo closed 1 year ago

LauGaHo commented 1 year ago

when I run the command :Mason, it show that E492: is not an editor command: Mason.

mason.lua is following:

   20 local mason_status, mason = pcall(require, "mason")
   19 if not mason_status then
   18   return
   17 end
   15 local mason_lspconfig_status, mason_lspconfig = pcall(require, "mason_lspconfig")
   14 if not mason_lspconfig_status then
   13   return
   12 end
   10 mason.setup()
    8 mason_lspconfig.setup({
    7   ensure_installed = {
    6     "tsserver",
    5     "html",
    4     "cssls",
    3     "tailwindcss",
    2     "sumneko_lua",
    1   }
  21  })
LauGaHo commented 1 year ago

I find the spelling error

91leMAC commented 10 months ago

Same error did you know how you resolve it ? @LauGaHo