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TypeScript LSP performance #46

Closed adicco closed 7 months ago

adicco commented 8 months ago

Dear Josean,

Thank you for your videos on setting up neovim, I found them to be the clearest out there. I have noticed that my autocomplete on (even small) TypeScript projects is super slow (I have a Ryzen 7 5700U with 32GB of RAM so I wouldn't expect basic autocomplete on a light IDE like neovim to be that slow) and I was wondering if you were encountering similar performance issues.

I know some people are on M2 MacBooks so they don't really notice anything, but I wonder if you are aware of neovim projects that seem to offer significant performance boosts in terms of LSP and autocomplete? And otherwise where to look to try to speed things up?

Thank you!

adicco commented 8 months ago

This is what I mean, by the way: