josean-dev / dev-environment-files

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ReplaceWithRegister official repo #6

Closed ashemedai closed 1 year ago

ashemedai commented 1 year ago

Hi Josean,

a friend of mine recommended your video about setting up neovim when we discussing moving from our vim setups to neovim. During your video I noticed you configured ReplaceWithRegister:

As the vim-scripts organisation and scraped scripts was a stopgap solution in the period when most vim scripts were not available on GitHub, it had a purpose. However, since most of the scripts are now on GitHub the scraper has stopped, so you probably want to replace it with the official repository at to get the latest bug fixes.

josean-dev commented 1 year ago

Hey! Thanks a lot for pointing this out, really appreciate it. I've fixed it with this recent commit: 3347137010a0862432a1bbc9a78a37e875f82ee8 Thanks again!