josebalius / ngReactGrid

A really fast Angular grid using the power of React to render. Based on ng-grid and jQuery DataTables.
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ngReactGrid : Change in collection not triggering UI update #75

Closed OhenewaDotNet closed 9 years ago

OhenewaDotNet commented 9 years ago

I'm creating a grid that enables users to remove rendered rows. I'm using the reactjs render method to create the remove button and hook up my click handler.

render: function(article) {
return React.DOM.a({ className: "glyphicon glyphicon-remove", href: "javascript:", onClick: (function(a, event) { a.stopPropagation(); _.remove(gridData.articles, function (articlePredicate) { return == && == && articlePredicate.sectorInstance.sectorNum == article.sectorInstance.sectorNum; }); }) }); }

I've done this several times with other grids and have never run into this particular issue. When the user clicks the remove icon, the click handler code is run and properly removes the selected row from the grids datasource. However, the data presented in the UI never updates to display the change in the datasource. I also attempted to reinitialize the ngReactGrid to no avail. I was able to repeat the issue on Plnkr

Any suggestions would be appreciated

josebalius commented 9 years ago

@OhenewaDotNet take a look at this plnkr I made from your example

Let me know if it helps.

OhenewaDotNet commented 9 years ago

It works! I thought since _.remove changed the underlying datasource, the notifychange would occur and I wouldn't have to reset the grid data. In any case, this is excellent thanks!