josecebe / twbs-pagination

jQuery pagination plugin (bootstrap powered)
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Option to scroll pagination page numbers. #158

Open malik-umair opened 7 years ago

malik-umair commented 7 years ago

Hi, I want to add another option in pagination like 'next' and 'previous' by which user can swap entire page numbers.

For example currently when user click on next or prev button only one page changes, what i want is to add another new button after '>' like this '>>' on which when user click entire display page number changes, like if 1,2,3 are visible, then they should change to 4,5,6.

is there any option like this in plugin?

josecebe commented 6 years ago

This is not possible now, but is a good feature request (this feature should be optional).

Anyway, add a button like '> >' could be a bit confusing, because it could be confused with 'Go last page', is there any example to see how other pages make this?

Trzinka commented 5 years ago

Hello. I'm also interested. I meant it "Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 6 9 7 Nex" as on page ellipsePageSet and labelMap. In short, you can select or enter a page number in the three-dot field.

Thanks for the help.