josecebe / twbs-pagination

jQuery pagination plugin (bootstrap powered)
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How can I add the dropdown filter #169

Open menaveen06 opened 6 years ago

menaveen06 commented 6 years ago

How can I add the dropdown filter in the esimakin/twbs-pagination , and get the pagination works for the filtered results, according to the selected option.

josecebe commented 5 years ago

Hi @menaveen06 , could you explain this further?


Trzinka commented 5 years ago

Hello. I'm also interested.

I think he meant it "Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 6 9 7 Nex" as on page

ellipsePageSet and labelMap. In short, you can select or enter a page number in the three-dot field.

Thanks for the help.
