I am planning to on running bivariate rg analysis across all given 2495 genomic loci. This will entail testing ~735 traits against 2 phenotypes in the long run, although I am using a smaller number currently to test the method.
I have attempted to adapt the example analysis script and execute this in a bash script for just one trait against these two phenotypes, however, I get the error: "Error: Invalid target phenotype specified: 'OA'", which is subsequently repeated for my other phenotype.
I have ran several iterations of this, all resulting in a similar error. I understand that I may only enter one target phenotype at a time, which also results in an error within the function run.uni.bivar.
print(paste("Starting LAVA analysis for",n.loc,"loci"))
progress = ceiling(quantile(1:n.loc, seq(.05,1,.05))) # (if you want to print the progress)
for (i in 1:n.loc) {
if (i %in% progress) print(paste("..",names(progress[which(progress==i)]))) # (printing progress)
locus = process.locus(loci[i,], input)
if (!is.null(locus)) {
print(paste0("Done! Analysis output written to ",out.fname,".*.lava"))
I assume it is the run.uni.bivar function in which is causing these issues, I have attempted to edit this function within R itself to fit my situation, but no luck so far.
I will be extremely grateful for any advice as to how I can advance further.
I am planning to on running bivariate rg analysis across all given 2495 genomic loci. This will entail testing ~735 traits against 2 phenotypes in the long run, although I am using a smaller number currently to test the method.
I have attempted to adapt the example analysis script and execute this in a bash script for just one trait against these two phenotypes, however, I get the error: "Error: Invalid target phenotype specified: 'OA'", which is subsequently repeated for my other phenotype.
I have ran several iterations of this, all resulting in a similar error. I understand that I may only enter one target phenotype at a time, which also results in an error within the function run.uni.bivar.
My adapted R script is as follows:
arg = commandArgs(T); ref.prefix = arg[1]; loc.file = arg[2]; info.file = arg[3]; target=arg[4]; out.fname = arg[5]
Load package
Read in data
loci = read.loci(loc.file); n.loc = nrow(loci) input = process.input(info.file, sample.overlap.file=NULL, ref.prefix)
Set univariate pvalue threshold
univ.p.thresh = 0.05
print(paste("Starting LAVA analysis for",n.loc,"loci")) progress = ceiling(quantile(1:n.loc, seq(.05,1,.05))) # (if you want to print the progress)
u=b=list() for (i in 1:n.loc) { if (i %in% progress) print(paste("..",names(progress[which(progress==i)]))) # (printing progress) locus = process.locus(loci[i,], input)
if (!is.null(locus)) {
extract some general locus info for the output
save the output
write.table(do.call(rbind,u), paste0(out.fname,".univ.lava"), row.names=F,quote=F,col.names=T) write.table(do.call(rbind,b), paste0(out.fname,".bivar.lava"), row.names=F,quote=F,col.names=T)
print(paste0("Done! Analysis output written to ",out.fname,".*.lava"))
I assume it is the run.uni.bivar function in which is causing these issues, I have attempted to edit this function within R itself to fit my situation, but no luck so far. I will be extremely grateful for any advice as to how I can advance further.