josefprusa / PrusaMendel

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LM8UU x-end-idler.stl Slicing Errors #68

Open apapdev007 opened 10 years ago

apapdev007 commented 10 years ago

I use Slic3r and have the latest version. I delivers the following error when adding metric-prusa-lm8uu/x-end-idler.stl by it's self:

Warning: the input file contains manifoldness errors. Slic3r repaired it successfully by guessing what the correct shape should be, but you might still want to inspect the G-code before printing.

It then delivers this error after clicking Export G-code:

Warning: The input file contains a hole near edge 30.000000,2.000000,0.000000-30.000000,2.000000,0.000000 (not manifold). You might want to repair it and retry, or to check the resulting G-code before printing anyway.

The resulting gcode ends before bridging the top of the rod holes.

If I update the config for LM8UU and build the x-end-idler in openscad, it slices fine.