josefs / Gradualizer

A Gradual type system for Erlang
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Solving local constraints at each function call to a polymorphic function #553

Open xxdavid opened 10 months ago

xxdavid commented 10 months ago


I've read the Local Type Inference paper by Pierce and Turner, and I came to an interesting realisation I would like to share.

In the paper (mainly in chapter three), they discuss a way to infer missing type application annotations / type arguments (so that instead of id [Int] (3) we can write just id (3), provided that id is of type āˆ€X. X -> X). Their approach is local in the way that they only introduce a new inference rule for function applications without the type application annotation, the rule computes the best substitution (intuitively the one which preservers the most information; based on locally gathered constraints that are immediately solved) and immediately uses the substitution to substitute type variables in the type of the function call expression.

This is in contrast with what we are doing in Gradualizer where we only gather all the constraints when checking a function, and only then, after we checked the function, we solve the constraints. If the constraints cannot be solved, we conclude that somewhere in the function there was a polymorphic type error (usually that the lower bound of some type variable is not a subtype of some other type). If they can be solved, we are happy and discard the found substitution.

Let me illustrate it on a simple example:

   1  -module(constraints_example).
   2  -export([g/1]).
   4  -spec g({boolean(), map()}) -> ok.
   5  g(Tuple) ->
   6      X = first(Tuple),
   7      add_one(X),
   8      ok.
  10  -spec first({A, any()}) -> A.
  11  first({X, _Y}) -> X.
  13  -spec add_one(integer()) -> integer().
  14  add_one(N) -> N + 1.

Gradualizer (with --solve_constraints works like this):

Checking function g/1
Pushing {clauses_controls,true}
5:1: Checking clause :: ok
5:3: Setting var type Tuple :: {boolean(), map()}
6:15: Checking that Tuple :: {A_typechecker_3742_1, any()}
6:9: Propagated type of first(Tuple) :: A_typechecker_3742_1
6:5: Setting var type X :: A_typechecker_3742_1
6:5: Propagated type of X = first(Tuple) :: A_typechecker_3742_1
7:13: Checking that X :: integer()
7:5: Propagated type of add_one(X) :: integer()
8:5: Checking that ok :: ok
Exhaustiveness checking: true
Popping clauses controls
Constraints before solving:
{constraints,#{"A_typechecker_3742_1" =>
             #{"A_typechecker_3742_1" => [{type,0,integer,[]}]},
             #{"A_typechecker_3742_1" => true}}
Task returned from function g/1 with [{constraint_error,5,

The type variable A_typechecker_3742_1 is the instantiation of A in first/1. When checking the call first(Tuple), we record that A_typechecker_3742_1 must have a lower bound boolean() (because we pass in Tuple of type {boolean(), map()). We then set X to have the type A_typechecker_3742_1. And when checking add_one(X), we also record that A_typechecker_3742_1 must have an upper bound integer() (because add_one/1 takes only integers). After checking that ok <: ok we have checked the whole function and move on to solving the constraints. Only now we discover that the constraints cannot be solved (as boolean() is not a subtype of integer()) and we raise a type error:

Lower bound false | true of type variable A_typechecker_3742_1 on line 5 is not a subtype of integer()

On the other hand, with the approach described in the paper, it would go something like this. When checking the call first(Tuple), we find out that first/1 is polymorphic (it is of type āˆ€A. {A, any()} -> A) and thus we want to find a suitable substitution. (I'll skip how the substitution is found.) We compute that the best substitution is boolean()/A as it preserves the most information (i.e., the resulting type is the smallest possible; for instance atom()/A would also do but it would preserve less information). We immediately use the substitution and declare the first(Tuple) expression to be of type [boolean()/A]A which is boolean(). The variable X then also gets the type boolean(). When we get to check the call add_one(X), we check directly that boolean() is a subtype of integer(), which is not, and we now throw a type error! This way we can say something like this:

The variable X on line 7 at column 13 is expected to have type integer() but it has type false | true

which is much more informative than saying that somewhere in the function is a polymorphic type error of some kind (particularly when the function has tens of lines and multiple heads).

So my question is why don't we do it like this?

@josefs states in #122 that

The difficult part is to solve the constraints to eliminate the flexible variables. This has to be done after we've traversed the whole function.

but he doesn't say why we have to do it after we've traversed the whole function. Do you remember why, @josefs? Is it related to the issue with any() mentioned in the comment?

And what do you think, @erszcz @zuiderkwast? Am I missing something?

erszcz commented 10 months ago

Hi, @xxdavid!

Interesting findings! I haven't read Pierce and Turner's Local Type Inference completely, so I have only a superficial understanding of the paper - mostly what they achieved, not how exactly. However, your reasoning seems correct and I'm sure there's room to improve the constraint solver.

What I know for certain is that the constraint solver code that's merged to the master branch was code that I salvaged from an old @josefs's PR which, according to him, never got completely finished. I rebased it onto the then current master, tried running on some examples and it turned out it does report some errors which were previously false negatives, so I cleaned it up a bit, added some tests, and we merged it. Otherwise, it would probably bitrot even more, whereas now it provides at least a little more feedback. It could definitely be improved, though.

On top of what you said, I think there's at least one more place where, I think, solving constraints could help make the message more precise - There might be more, but I don't have examples at hand.

In any case, good thinking!

xxdavid commented 10 months ago

Hi @erszcz!

Thank you for your perspective and sorry for taking it so long for me to respond.

I think it was good that you saved @josefs' solver code, cleaned it, and merged to master, even though it wasn't complete. Without it, we probably would not have it.

In the previous weeks I was trying to get a more complete picture of how Gradualizer works with polymorphism (I also came to an interesting realisation, will write about it later). And I still think the Local Type Inference approach is doable in our case. If you agree, I will now dig deeper in the paper and try to extend the theory to our situation (which in particular includes type unions and any()). And if everything works out, I'll try to implement it in Gradualizer. I'll post updates in this thread.

And I also agree that the LTI approach should also fix the case you linked, thanks for pointing it out!

erszcz commented 9 months ago

Hi @xxdavid!

I still think the Local Type Inference approach is doable in our case. If you agree, I will now dig deeper in the paper and try to extend the theory to our situation (which in particular includes type unions and any()).

Sounds great! I'm pretty sure such an addition will be welcome by everyone šŸ‘

I was trying to get a more complete picture of how Gradualizer works with polymorphism (I also came to an interesting realisation, will write about it later).

I'm quite intrigued now! I'm looking forward to learning your findings.

I have a few thoughts to share, too, I just have to find a while to write them down.

xxdavid commented 8 months ago


So I've been researching Local Type Inference (LTI) for the past months, and here's what I found out.

In essence, the LTI algorithm goes like this. When inferring the type of a polymorphic function application, you first generate constraints on involved type variables by declaring that the actual arguments should be subtypes of the function parameters. For each type variable, you manage a single lower and a single upper bound (these are the constraints). You start with a lower bound equal to Bot/none(), and a lower bound equal to Top. When you want to combine constraints for a type variable, you make LUB of the lower bounds and GLB of the upper bounds. Whenever we get constraints such that a lower bound of a type variable is not a subtype of an upper bound of the type variable, we raise a type error. At the end (of the call-expression type-checking), you look at the position of each involved type variable in relation to the function result type. If the type variable X is constant (not appearing) or covariant in the result type, you assign X its lower bound. If it is contravariant, you assign it its upper bound.

For example, suppose that we have these functions:

then the call filter(integers(), positive()) would be typed in the following way:

The LTI comprises (mainly) of these components:

The first four are dependent on the set of types, whereas the last two are not (mostly). This means that if you can provide the first four relations for your set of types, you can probably have LTI. Therefore unions, tuples, maps and things like that should pose no problem in implementing the LTI, as we already have three of four implemented in Gradualizer. In our case the subtyping and constraint generation relations are both implemented via the subtype/3 function, and GLB and LUB have their own functions. We don't have variable elimination but that should be pretty straightforward to implement.

A thing that is much harder to add is gradual typing. I haven't found any paper combining LTI with gradual typing. I've been playing with it quite a lot myself and at the end I came up with a trivial extension of the original LTI algorithm that works nicely in most cases and, as it turned out, is also used in practice.

In pure subtyping (without any), we have the subtyping relation that forms a partial order. With gradual typing, we add the consistency relation (to quote the original definition, two types are consistent iff they are equal where they are both known, i.e., where they are not any). In practice we usually combine these two relations into the consistent-subtyping relation (like our subtype/3) which is neither transitive nor antisymmetric, and thus is not a partial order.

A simple approach to adding gradual typing to the LTI would be (as also suggested by @zuiderkwast here) to just ignore all anys and instead use Bot in the lower bounds and Top in upper bounds. But this does not really work because we would for example infer none() for id(dynamic) where dynamic :: any(), which is not what we want.

Another possible and trivial change to the LTI is to use consistent-subtyping in all places where subtyping was originally used, and to add any to the syntax of types and treat it like every other type. This approach actually seems to work nicely in most cases. Here are just a few examples:

given this typing environment: id(A) -> A, filter([A], fun((A) -> boolean())) -> [A], integers :: [integer()], positive(number()) -> boolean(), map([A], fun((A) -> boolean())) -> [B], dynamic :: any(), append([A], A) -> [A].

This approach is also taken by eqWAlizer as we can see in the docs (1, 2) and in the code.

A problem with this approach is that it lacks theoretical foundations, that is, we don't know (formally) how good the modified algorithm exactly is. The property of always inferring the most informative type, proved in the paper, no longer makes sense as we are not dealing with a partial order here. For example, all of the following types would be valid outputs according to the original property when inferring type of the expression id(some_bool, some_int): {boolean(), integer()}, {any(), integer()}, {boolean(), any()}, {any(), any()}, any(). Clearly, {boolean(), integer()} is the best of these. On the other hand, when inferring type of the expression id(completely_unknown), it is better to infer any()rather than for example boolean() or none().

It should also be noted that this method is a bit weaker than carrying all the constraints throughout a function and solving them only at the end. For example, we would infer [Hd | Rest] = [any()] for filter([dynamic()], positive) and thus would not raise an error when subsequently calling atom_to_binary(Hd). In the current implementation of Gradualizer, we would record that Hd has an upper bound of number() and later also a lower bound of atom(), and that these two are not compatible. This might be the reason why @josefs once wrote that the constraints must be solved at the end.

However, I think that having the LTI is still worth it. First and foremost, it enables us to provide better error messages which are local (each variable has a concrete type) and which can pinpoint the problematic line (as shown in the first post). Second, I think it would greatly simplify our codebase as constraints would probably be needed only in subtype/3 (and related functions), and in not all of the other functions that now have to carry and update them (as they would deal only with concrete types). Third, this is not a major argument, but also many other tools are based on LTI. I've mentioned eqWAlizer but also the prepared Elixir type system is going to have LTI (but one based on set-theoretic types so the theory does not apply to us). I've also checked TypeScript and Flow and based on the fact that you can hover on a variable (bound to the result of a polymorphic call) and see its inferred type, I also assume they use some kind of LTI (Flow has even announced it some time ago).

What do you think? If you agree, I will start with the implementation. I originally wanted to do the theoretical part first (and prove how good/strong the gradual LTI is) and then implement it. But I feel a bit stuck now, so I would rather reverse the order, given that eqWAlizer has already successfully implemented it in a similar way.

xxdavid commented 5 months ago

Hi! I have some progress on the LTI implementation to share. I've implemented the core of LTI into Gradualizer, and while it still needs quite a lot of refactoring and tuning for edge cases, it already behaves well in some cases.

I am very happy about how accurate error messages it now produces. Take a look:

1 -module(test_lti).
3 -spec id(A) -> A.
4 id(X) -> X.
6 f() ->
7     Answer = id(42),
8     atom_to_list(Answer).


test_lti.erl: Lower bound 42 of type variable A_typechecker_3742_2 on line 6 is not a subtype of atom()


test_lti.erl: The variable on line 8 at column 18 is expected to have type atom() but it has type 42

f() ->
    Answer = id(42),

Notice that there are no type variables involved and that the precise location of the error is printed. It's because at line 8 we already know that Answer is of type 42.

The second type of errors related to polymorphism may be in the call itself. Here I came up with a new error message (not fully polished yet) and I really like how informative it is.

1 -module(test_lti).
3 -spec map([A], fun((A) -> B)) -> [B].
4 map([], _F) -> [];
5 map([X | Xs], F) -> [F(X) | map(Xs, F)].
7 g() ->
8     map([1, 2, 3], fun atom_to_binary/1),
9     ok.


test_lti.erl: Lower bound 1 of type variable A_typechecker_3742_5 on line 7 is not a subtype of atom()


test_lti.erl: The type variable A in the call to map on line 8 at column 5 is instantiated to both 1..3 and atom(), and these types are not compatible.

g() ->
    map([1, 2, 3], fun atom_to_binary/1),

Relevant bindings:
    map :: fun(([A], fun((A) -> B)) -> [B])
    [1, 2, 3] :: [1..3, ...]
    fun atom_to_binary/1 :: fun((atom()) -> binary())

So I think we are headed in the right direction. I'll continue working on it and I expect that in a few weeks, I'll have it ready for code review. šŸ™‚

erszcz commented 5 months ago

Wow! These results are awesome šŸŽ‰ Keep up the great work, @xxdavid!