joselado / dmrgpy

DMRGPy is a Python library to compute quasi-one-dimensional spin chains and fermionic systems using matrix product states with DMRG as implemented in ITensor. Most of the computations can be performed both with DMRG and exact diagonalization for small systems, which allows one to benchmark the results.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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finite_temperature_ground_state #22

Closed HamidArianZad closed 1 year ago

HamidArianZad commented 1 year ago

Dear Jose,

I am investigating the magnetization of a transverse field Ising model at low temperature by using dmrg form dmrgpy. I found two folders in examples of dmrgpy package. I have some questions and I appreciate if you reply.

joselado commented 1 year ago

Dear Hamid,

currently finite temperature calculations only work with ED (the DMRG version is still under development). The temperature has natural units (namely, the same as the units of the Hamiltonian).

Overall, since finite-temperature calculations are not fully benchmarked, my suggestion would be to not use dmrgpy for them, as unfortunately this has not been finished yet.

Best regards, Jose