joseluis / huion-linux-drivers

Linux user-space drivers for Huion Graphic Tablets
MIT License
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xinput error, unable to find device Tablet Monitor Pen 083724 #70

Open ameanie opened 4 years ago

ameanie commented 4 years ago

Hi, sorry if this isn't the correct information to provide, very new to Linux so I'm still figuring my way around things.

Finding USB device. . . Done!
grabbed interface %d 0
grabbed interface %d 1
Reading configuration. . . Done!
Setting up driver. . . Done!
    Tablet model name         GT-156
    Buttons                   ENABLED (8)
    Scrollbar                 ENABLED (1)
    Notifications:            ENABLED
        for buttons       ENABLED
        for scrollbar     disabled
    Screen                    Enabled (1920x1080)
    Current Monitor Setup     [monitor_2]
    Multi Monitor Setup       ENABLED
    Calling xrandr            disabled

Setting up multiple monitors. . . 
Running xinput. . . 
unable to find device Tablet Monitor Pen 083724
ERROR running the following comand:
    xinput set-prop "Tablet Monitor Pen 083724" --type=float "Coordinate Transformation Matrix" 0.42857142857142855 0 0.5714285714285714 0 0.75 0.0 0 0 1

I've both commented out the call for the Tablet Monitor Pen area in the .py file, and edited my config.ini to not have debug enabled but it's still giving me this error.

The tablet pen, nor the buttons on my tablet (Kamvas Pro 16) are responsive.

Edit: This was due to the Xorg Extra Code missing, but I am still encountering issues as mentioned below.

Queatz commented 4 years ago

You might want to check this part of the readme:

ameanie commented 4 years ago

You might want to check this part of the readme:

Hi, thank you for responding. Sorry I kept trying to do this but didn't have root access and was kind of concerned on how to get access. I just did and added the file and now when i run the .py file I get this :

Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 3, in <module> import usb.core, usb.util ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'usb'

joseluis commented 4 years ago

Hi, You must install the pyusb module. It's different depending on your system. You can search in google for the error and follow the instructions to install it.

For example in Ubuntu based distributions you'd have to install the python3-usb package.

ameanie commented 4 years ago

Hi, You must install the pyusb module. It's different depending on your system. You can search in google for the error and follow the instructions to install it.

For example in Ubuntu based distributions you'd have to install the python3-usb package.

Hi thank you for the reply!

I've installed that according to your original guide I believe,

I ran "$ sudo apt install python3-usb"

Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
python3-usb is already the newest version (1.0.2-1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 94 not upgraded.

I actually haven't been on Linux since the last time I was trying to troubleshoot this, but since then it seems like my tablet is responsive now, the mouse moves and I can click which is great! But it doesn't seem to line up with the tablet pen at all i just have to scroll the arrow like you would with a mouse, and I'm not sure how to align it. It also doesn't let me move the pen/mouse pointer all the way to the end of the tablet.

I tried running the python driver file (forgive me if this was a mistake, i'm still new to this) and received this error :

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 3, in <module>
    import usb.core, usb.util
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'usb'

Despite this error, the tablet still functions like a mouse but it doesn't really have normal tablet functionality still.

ameanie commented 4 years ago
I'm pasting my just in case it's needed. ``` #!/usr/bin/env` python3 import usb.core, usb.util import sys import os.path import platform from evdev import UInput, ecodes, AbsInfo, InputDevice, list_devices import subprocess as sp import math import numexpr from configparser import ConfigParser, ExtendedInterpolation from time import gmtime, strftime, sleep MENU = {} # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class main(): """ """ settings = {'pen_device_name':'Tablet Monitor Pen' # must be defined here + strftime(" %H%M%S", gmtime())} # for pressure to work dev = None endpoint = None vpen = None current_menu = None def run(): find_usb_device() read_config() #prepare_driver() setup_driver() calibrate() multi_monitor() main_loop() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def find_usb_device(): """ """ sys.stdout.write("Finding USB device. . . ") device_ids = [(0x256c, 0x006d), (0x256c, 0x006e)] for cur_dev_id in device_ids: = usb.core.find(idVendor=cur_dev_id[0], idProduct=cur_dev_id[1]) if break if not print("Error, Could not find device, maybe already opened?", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) else: print("Done!") for cfg in for i in cfg: for e in i: if not main.endpoint: main.endpoint = e if usb.util.claim_interface(, i.index) print("grabbed interface %d", i.index) main.endpoint =[0][(0,0)][0] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def prepare_driver(): """ This is necessary for now. See """ sys.stdout.write("Preparing driver. . . ") module_old = "hid_uclogic" module_new = "uinput" module_found ='lsmod | grep "^{}"'.format(module_old), shell=True) if module_found.returncode == 0:'rmmod "{}"'.format(module_old), shell=True) elif module_found.returncode == 2: print('Grep error 2') exit()'modprobe "{}"'.format(module_new), shell=True) cmd='"{}/uclogic-probe" "{}" "{}" | "{}/uclogic-decode"'.format( main.settings['uclogic_bins'],,, main.settings['uclogic_bins']) try: uc_str =, shell=True, check=True, stdout=sp.PIPE) except sp.CalledProcessError as e: run_error(e, cmd) print("Done!") if main.settings['debug_mode']: print('-'*80+'\n'+ uc_str.stdout.decode("utf-8") +'-'*80) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def setup_driver(): """ """ sys.stdout.write("Setting up driver. . . ") # pressure sensitive pen tablet area with: 2 stylus buttons, no eraser, tilt cap_pen = { ecodes.EV_KEY: [ecodes.BTN_TOUCH, ecodes.BTN_TOOL_PEN,ecodes.BTN_STYLUS, ecodes.BTN_STYLUS2], ecodes.EV_ABS: [ # value,min,max,fuzz,flat,resolution (ecodes.ABS_X,AbsInfo(0,0,main.settings['pen_max_x'],0,0,main.settings['resolution'])), (ecodes.ABS_Y,AbsInfo(0,0,main.settings['pen_max_y'],0,0,main.settings['resolution'])), (ecodes.ABS_PRESSURE, AbsInfo(0,0,main.settings['pen_max_z'],0,0,0)), (ecodes.ABS_TILT_X, AbsInfo(0,0,255,0,0,0)), # TODO: tweak (ecodes.ABS_TILT_Y, AbsInfo(0,0,255,0,0,0)), ] } main.vpen = UInput(events=cap_pen, name=main.settings['pen_device_name'], version=0x3) print("Done!") # INFO --------------------- print("\tTablet model name {}".format(main.settings['model_name'])) if main.settings['enable_buttons'] and main.settings['buttons'] > 0 : print("\tButtons ENABLED ({})".format( main.settings['buttons'])) else: print("\tButtons disabled ({})".format( main.settings['buttons'])) # scrollbar if main.settings['enable_scrollbar']: print("\tScrollbar ENABLED ({})".format( main.settings['scrollbar'])) if main.settings['scrollbar_reverse']: print("\t\tReversed: {}".format( main.settings['scrollbar_reverse'])) else: print("\tScrollbar disabled ({})".format( main.settings['scrollbar'])) # notifications if main.settings['enable_notifications']: print("\tNotifications: ENABLED") if main.settings['buttons_notifications']: print("\t\tfor buttons ENABLED") else: print("\t\tfor buttons disabled") if main.settings['scrollbar_notifications']: print("\t\tfor scrollbar ENABLED") else: print("\t\tfor scrollbar disabled") else: print("\tNotifications disabled") if main.settings['screen']: print("\tScreen Enabled ({}x{})".format( main.settings['screen_width'], main.settings['screen_height'])) print("\tCurrent Monitor Setup {}".format( main.settings['monitor_setup'])) if main.settings['enable_multi_monitor']: print("\tMulti Monitor Setup ENABLED") else: print("\tMulti Monitor Setup disabled") if main.settings['enable_xrandr']: print("\tCalling xrandr ENABLED") else: print("\tCalling xrandr disabled") else: print("\tScreen disabled") if main.settings['debug_mode']: print("\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~") print("\t\t\t< DEBUG MODE ENABLED >") print("Enabled by default. You can disable it by setting debug_mode = false") print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~") pf = platform.uname() print("\nSYSTEM: {} {} ({} {})".format( pf.system, pf.release, pf.machine, pf.processor)) print("{}".format(pf.version)) devices = [InputDevice(path) for path in list_devices()] for device in devices: if == main.settings['pen_device_name']: try: path = device.path except: path = device.fn print("\nDEVICE: {} ({})".format(path, device.phys)) print("{}".format( print("\n{}".format(main.endpoint)) # DEBUG print("\nTABLET CAPABILITIES:") caps = device.capabilities(verbose=True) for cap in caps: print(caps[cap]) print("\nVPEN:") print(main.vpen) # print("\nXINPUT:") # cmd='xinput list --short | grep "Tablet Monitor Pen"' # try: #, shell=True, check=True) # except sp.CalledProcessError as e: # run_error(e, cmd) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def multi_monitor(): """ """ if not (main.settings['enable_multi_monitor'] and main.settings['screen']): return print("\nSetting up multiple monitors. . . ") if main.settings['enable_xrandr']: print("Running xrandr. . . ") cmd='xrandr {}'.format(main.settings['xrandr_args']) if main.settings['debug_mode']: print('» {}'.format(cmd)) try:, shell=True, check=True) except sp.CalledProcessError as e: run_error(e, cmd) C0=(main.settings['screen_width'] / main.settings['total_screen_width']) C1=(main.settings['tablet_offset_x'] / main.settings['total_screen_width']) C2=(main.settings['screen_height'] / main.settings['total_screen_height']) C3=(main.settings['tablet_offset_y'] / main.settings['total_screen_height']) cmd='xinput set-prop "{}" --type=float "{}" {} 0 {} 0 {} {} 0 0 1'.format( main.settings['pen_device_name'], "Coordinate Transformation Matrix", C0, C1, C2, C3) try: print("Running xinput. . . ") if main.settings['debug_mode']: print('» {}'.format(cmd)), shell=True, check=True) except sp.CalledProcessError as e: run_error(e, cmd) print('Mapped tablet area to "{}x{} + {}x{}"'.format( main.settings['screen_width'], main.settings['screen_height'], main.settings['tablet_offset_x'], main.settings['tablet_offset_y'])) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def calibrate(): if not main.settings['enable_calibration']: return sys.stdout.write("Calibrating. . . ") cmd='xinput set-int-prop "{}" "Evdev Axis Calibration" 32 {} {} {} {}'.format( main.settings['pen_device_name'], main.settings['calibrate_min_x'], main.settings['calibrate_max_x'], main.settings['calibrate_min_y'], main.settings['calibrate_max_y']) try:, shell=True, check=True) except sp.CalledProcessError as e: run_error(e, cmd) cmd='xinput set-int-prop "{}" "Evdev Axes Swap" 8 0'.format( main.settings['pen_device_name']) try:, shell=True, check=True) except sp.CalledProcessError as e: run_error(e, cmd) print('Done!') # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def main_loop(): """ """ print('\nHuion Kamvas driver should now be running. . .') if main.settings['debug_mode']: if main.settings['tablet_debug_only']: print("\n(Input from the tablet will ONLY be used to print it out)") else: print("\n(Input from the tablet will be printed out)") print() if main.current_menu: switch_menu(main.current_menu) SCROLL_VAL_PREV=0 if main.settings['debug_mode']: HOVER_PREV = False while not sleep(main.settings['refresh_rate_fps']): try: data =, main.endpoint.wMaxPacketSize) # DATA INTERPRETATION: # source: # 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 # ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ # | | | | | | | | | | | | # | | | | | | | | | | | Y Tilt # | | | | | | | | | | X Tilt # | | | | | | | | | Y HH # | | | | | | | | X HH # | | | | | | | Pressure H # | | | | | | Pressure L # | | | | | Y H # | | | | Y L # | | | X H # | | X L # | Pen buttons # Report ID - 0x08 is_hover = data[1] == 128 is_touch = data[1] == 129 is_buttonbar = data[1] == 224 is_scrollbar = data[1] == 240 if main.settings['pen_buttons_reverse']: is_pen_btn1 = data[1] == 132 # right is_pen_btn2 = data[1] == 130 # middle else: is_pen_btn1 = data[1] == 130 # middle is_pen_btn2 = data[1] == 132 # right # DEBUG if main.settings['debug_mode']: if is_hover: if not HOVER_PREV: print("...") HOVER_PREV = True else: HOVER_PREV = False data_str = "" for e in data: data_str += "{:02x} ".format(e) try: data_str2 = "| X:{:05d} Y:{:05d} PRES:{:04d} TILT_X:{:03d} TILT_Y:{:03d}".format( (data[8]<<16) + (data[3]<<8) + data[2], (data[9]<<16) + (data[5]<<8) + data[4], (data[7]<<8) + data[6], data[10], 0 - data[11], ) except: data_str2 = "" data_str += data_str2 print("{}".format(data_str)) if main.settings['tablet_debug_only']: continue # BUTTON EVENT if is_buttonbar and main.settings['enable_buttons']: # get the button value in power of two (1, 2, 4, 16, 32...) BUTTON_VAL = (data[5] << 8) + data[4] if BUTTON_VAL > 0: # 0 means release # convert to the exponent (0, 1, 2, 3, 4...) BUTTON_VAL = int(math.log(BUTTON_VAL, 2)) if main.current_menu: do_shortcut("button", MENU[main.current_menu][BUTTON_VAL]) # SCROLLBAR EVENT elif is_scrollbar and main.settings['enable_scrollbar']: SCROLL_VAL = data[5] if SCROLL_VAL > 0: # 0 means release if SCROLL_VAL_PREV == 0: SCROLL_VAL_PREV=SCROLL_VAL if main.current_menu: if main.settings['scrollbar_reverse']: if SCROLL_VAL > SCROLL_VAL_PREV: do_shortcut("scrollbar", MENU[main.current_menu]['scroll_up']) elif SCROLL_VAL < SCROLL_VAL_PREV: do_shortcut("scrollbar", MENU[main.current_menu]['scroll_down']) else: if SCROLL_VAL < SCROLL_VAL_PREV: do_shortcut("scrollbar", MENU[main.current_menu]['scroll_up']) elif SCROLL_VAL > SCROLL_VAL_PREV: do_shortcut("scrollbar", MENU[main.current_menu]['scroll_down']) SCROLL_VAL_PREV = SCROLL_VAL # TOUCH EVENT else: # bitwise operations: n<<16 == n*65536 and n<<8 == n*256 try: X = (data[8]<<16) + (data[3]<<8) + data[2] except: try: X = (data[3]<<8) + data[2] except: X = 0 try: Y = (data[9]<<16) + (data[5]<<8) + data[4] except: try: Y = (data[9]<<16) + (data[5]<<8) + data[4] except: Y = 0 try: PRESS = (data[7]<<8) + data[6] except: PRESS = main.settings['pen_max_z'] try: TILT_X = data[10] except: TILT_X = 0 try: TILT_Y = 0 - data[11] # invert Y tilt axis except: TILT_Y = 0 main.vpen.write(ecodes.EV_ABS, ecodes.ABS_X, X) main.vpen.write(ecodes.EV_ABS, ecodes.ABS_Y, Y) main.vpen.write(ecodes.EV_ABS, ecodes.ABS_PRESSURE, PRESS) main.vpen.write(ecodes.EV_KEY, ecodes.BTN_TOUCH, is_touch and 1 or 0) # Tilt wont probably work so easily. The value may need to be converted to degrees main.vpen.write(ecodes.EV_KEY, ecodes.ABS_TILT_X, TILT_X) main.vpen.write(ecodes.EV_KEY, ecodes.ABS_TILT_Y, TILT_Y) main.vpen.write(ecodes.EV_KEY, ecodes.BTN_STYLUS, is_pen_btn1 and 1 or 0) main.vpen.write(ecodes.EV_KEY, ecodes.BTN_STYLUS2, is_pen_btn2 and 1 or 0) main.vpen.syn() except usb.core.USBError as e: data = None if e.args == (19,'No such device (it may have been disconnected)'): print(e, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def do_shortcut(title, sequence): """ Interprets whether the shortcut is a keypress or a menu link and triggers the appropiate action in either case. """ # empty shortcut if sequence == "": pass # is a menu link elif sequence.startswith('[') and sequence.endswith(']'): switch_menu(sequence.strip('[]')) # is a keyboard shortcut else: keypress(title, sequence) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def keypress(title, sequence): """ """ if main.settings['enable_notifications']: if (title == 'scrollbar' and main.settings['scrollbar_notifications']) \ or (title != 'scrollbar' and main.settings['buttons_notifications']): cmd='notify-send "{}" "{}"'.format(title, sequence) try:, shell=True, check=True) except sp.CalledProcessError as e: run_error(e, cmd) cmd="xdotool {}".format(sequence) try:, shell=True, check=True) except sp.CalledProcessError as e: run_error(e, cmd) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def switch_menu(new_menu): """ """ if not main.settings['enable_buttons'] or main.settings['buttons'] == 0: return main.current_menu = new_menu # print the menu menu_title = MENU[new_menu]['title'] menu_text = "" for n in range(0, main.settings['buttons']): menu_text += "\nbutton {} = {}".format(n, MENU[main.current_menu][n]) print(menu_title + menu_text) if main.settings['enable_notifications']: cmd='notify-send "{}" "{}"'.format(menu_title, menu_text) try:, shell=True, check=True) except sp.CalledProcessError as e: run_error(e, cmd) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def run_error(error, command, exit=True): """ """ print("ERROR running the following comand:") print("\t{}".format(command)) print("RETURN CODE: {}".format(error.returncode)) if exit: sys.exit(1) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def read_config(): """ """ sys.stdout.write("Reading configuration. . . ") if os.path.exists('config.ini'): config = ConfigParser(interpolation=ExtendedInterpolation())'config.ini') else: print("ERROR: Couldn't locate config.ini") sys.exit(2) # tablet info current_tablet = config.get('config', 'current_tablet').split("#",1)[0].strip('[]').strip() try: main.settings['model_name'] = config.get(current_tablet, 'model_name') except: main.settings['model_name'] = "Unnamed Tablet" try: main.settings['pen_max_x'] = numexpr.evaluate(config.get(current_tablet, 'pen_max_x')) except: main.settings['pen_max_x'] = 0 try: main.settings['pen_max_y'] = numexpr.evaluate(config.get(current_tablet, 'pen_max_y')) except: main.settings['pen_max_y'] = 0 try: main.settings['pen_max_z'] = numexpr.evaluate(config.get(current_tablet, 'pen_max_z')) except: main.settings['pen_max_z'] = 0 try: main.settings['resolution'] = numexpr.evaluate(config.get(current_tablet, 'resolution')) except: main.settings['resolution'] = 0 # number of buttons in tablet try: main.settings['buttons'] = numexpr.evaluate(config.get(current_tablet, 'buttons')) except: main.settings['buttons'] = 0 # number of scrollbars try: main.settings['scrollbar'] = numexpr.evaluate(config.get(current_tablet, 'scrollbar')) except: main.settings['scrollbar'] = 0 try: main.settings['screen'] = config.getboolean(current_tablet, 'screen') try: main.settings['screen_width'] = numexpr.evaluate(config.get(current_tablet, 'screen_width')) main.settings['screen_height'] = numexpr.evaluate(config.get(current_tablet, 'screen_height')) except: main.settings['screen_width'] = 1920 main.settings['screen_height'] = 1080 except: main.settings['screen'] = False # DEBUG mode try: main.settings['debug_mode'] = config.getboolean('config', 'debug_mode') except: main.settings['debug_mode'] = False # [tablet_debug] try: main.settings['tablet_debug_only'] = config.getboolean(current_tablet, 'debug_only') # also enables debug_mode if main.settings['tablet_debug_only']: main.settings['debug_mode'] = True except: main.settings['tablet_debug_only'] = False # features # tablet buttons try: main.settings['enable_buttons'] = config.getboolean('config', 'enable_buttons') if main.settings['buttons'] == 0: main.settings['enable_buttons'] = False except: main.settings['enable_buttons'] = False # pen buttons try: main.settings['pen_buttons_reverse'] = config.getboolean('config', 'pen_buttons_reverse') except: main.settings['pen_buttons_reverse'] = False try: main.settings['buttons_notifications'] = config.getboolean('config', 'buttons_notifications') except: main.settings['buttons_notifications'] = True # scrollbar try: main.settings['enable_scrollbar'] = config.getboolean('config', 'enable_scrollbar') if main.settings['scrollbar'] == 0: main.settings['enable_scrollbar'] = False except: main.settings['enable_scrollbar'] = False # scrollbar reverse try: main.settings['scrollbar_reverse'] = config.getboolean('config', 'scrollbar_reverse') except: main.settings['scrollbar_reverse'] = False # scrollbar notifications try: main.settings['scrollbar_notifications'] = config.getboolean('config', 'scrollbar_notifications') except: main.settings['scrollbar_notifications'] = False # multi-monitor setup try: main.settings['enable_multi_monitor'] = config.getboolean('config', 'enable_multi_monitor') except: main.settings['enable_multi_monitor'] = False try: main.settings['enable_xrandr'] = config.getboolean('config', 'enable_xrandr') except: main.settings['enable_xrandr'] = False try: main.settings['monitor_setup'] = config.get('config', 'current_monitor_setup') current_monitor_setup = main.settings['monitor_setup'].split("#",1)[0].strip('[]').strip() main.settings['total_screen_width'] = numexpr.evaluate(config.get(current_monitor_setup, 'total_screen_width').split("#",1)[0].strip()) main.settings['total_screen_height'] = numexpr.evaluate(config.get(current_monitor_setup, 'total_screen_height').split("#",1)[0].strip()) main.settings['tablet_offset_x'] = numexpr.evaluate(config.get(current_monitor_setup, 'tablet_offset_x').split("#",1)[0].strip()) main.settings['tablet_offset_y'] = numexpr.evaluate(config.get(current_monitor_setup, 'tablet_offset_y').split("#",1)[0].strip()) main.settings['xrandr_args'] = config.get(current_monitor_setup, 'xrandr_args').split("#",1)[0].strip() except: current_monitor_setup = "none" # tablet calibration try: main.settings['enable_calibration'] = config.getboolean('config', 'enable_calibration') main.settings['calibrate_min_x'] = numexpr.evaluate(config.get('config', 'calibrate_min_x').split("#",1)[0].strip()) main.settings['calibrate_max_x'] = numexpr.evaluate(config.get('config', 'calibrate_max_x').split("#",1)[0].strip()) main.settings['calibrate_min_y'] = numexpr.evaluate(config.get('config', 'calibrate_min_y').split("#",1)[0].strip()) main.settings['calibrate_max_y'] = config.get('config', 'calibrate_max_y').split("#",1)[0].strip() except: main.settings['enable_calibration'] = False # miscellaneus main.settings['uclogic_bins'] = config.get('config', 'uclogic_bins') try: main.settings['enable_notifications'] = config.getboolean('config', 'enable_notifications') except: main.settings['enable_notifications'] = True try: main.settings['refresh_rate_fps'] = 1 / numexpr.evaluate(config.get('config', 'refresh_rate_fps').split("#",1)[0].strip()) except: main.settings['refresh_rate_fps'] = 1 / 100 try: main.settings['start_menu'] = config.get('config', 'start_menu').strip('[]') except: main.settings['start_menu'] = '' for section in config.sections(): if section.startswith('menu_'): MENU[section] = {} # pretty title if config.has_option(section, 'title'): MENU[section]['title'] = config.get(section, 'title') else: MENU[section]['title'] = "[{}]".format(section) # buttons for n in range(0, main.settings['buttons']): btn = 'b' + str(n) if config.has_option(section, btn): MENU[section][n] = config.get( section, btn).strip() else: MENU[section][n] = "" # scrollbar if main.settings['scrollbar']: try: MENU[section]['scroll_up'] = config.get(section, 'su').strip() except: MENU[section]['scroll_up'] = "" try: MENU[section]['scroll_down'] = config.get(section, 'sd').strip() except: MENU[section]['scroll_down'] = "" main.current_menu = main.settings['start_menu'] print("Done!") # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__': ```
joseluis commented 4 years ago

Hi, well the py file wasn't really needed, but I can see you're using an old version.

Please try the latest version of both the and config.ini (changed for your tablet)

ameanie commented 4 years ago

I've updated the two files, as well as changing the config for my tablet and receive more or less the same error :

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 8, in <module>
    import usb.core
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'usb'

Just with the line number changing, not really sure how to troubleshoot this on my own sadly sorry. I've made sure to attempt the install again and there doesn't seem to be any changes or updates.

I also searched the specific error and it seems like you said that pyusb module isn't installed, so I went and installed pyusb separately again using : , with sudo apt install pyusb and then pip install pyusb (both seemed to install?) I've also installed libusb as that seems to be a prerequisite?

I attempted to run the driver between each step, I've also restarted my PC as well just in case. Still having the same issues though, sadly.

joseluis commented 4 years ago

Oh well, pyusb is not what is needed, that's an abandoned project for python2, you can safely uninstall it.

Try with: sudo apt install python-usb python3-usb

ameanie commented 4 years ago

I installed and it seemed to complete but I still receiving the same error, restarted after as well.

python-usb is already the newest version (1.0.2-1). python3-usb is already the newest version (1.0.2-1). The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: linux-headers-5.3.0-7625 linux-headers-5.3.0-7625-generic linux-image-5.3.0-7625-generic linux-modules-5.3.0-7625-generic linux-modules-extra-5.3.0-7625-generic python-certifi python-chardet python-idna python-openssl python-requests python-urllib3 Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

Thank you again for all the quick replies, would be happy to send you a coffee or something for all the trouble.

joseluis commented 4 years ago

Thanks, don't worry :smile:

That is weird. To make import test call the python3 shell from the terminal, and try to import the usb module like this (the commands you must write are shown after the >>> prompt):

$ python3
Python 3.6.9 (default, Apr 18 2020, 01:56:04) 
[GCC 8.4.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import usb

if you dont have the module will say something like this:

>>> import thiswillfail
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'thiswillfail'

If can load the usb module, try loading the usb.core one. If that one fails then it must be trying to load an old version have an old version of it, and you have your system missconfigured somehow...

ameanie commented 4 years ago

Hi, it fails when I call usb.core :

Python 3.8.2 (default, Apr 29 2020, 18:07:50) 
[GCC 9.2.1 20191008] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import usb
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'usb'

I'm not really sure what I should be removing or fixing to correct this but that seems to narrow it down to something being misconfiguring I guess

joseluis commented 4 years ago

And this one is another reason why I want to recreate this project in Rust. I'm fed up python, its import system and its unconsistency between installations...

joseluis commented 4 years ago

BTW I also recommend to use python3.6. At least for me this script doesn't work well with newer versions.

ameanie commented 4 years ago

Well, I followed these instructions ( because I couldn't install Python3.6 with any luck since it seemed to not accept it with new versions installed.

Now I can't open Terminal at all, lol. I think I'm going to give up on this for now, maybe I'll reinstall the OS and try again at a later time.