joseluisq / printd

Print HTML elements or pages in modern browsers.
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how to add tailwingcss? #24

Closed sakarnDev closed 8 months ago

sakarnDev commented 10 months ago

Expected Behavior

display style tailwingcss 3

Actual Behavior

not display style tailwingcss

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

i try 2 way to add tailwindcss but print not display tailwind style 1.

 const d = new Printd()
 d.print(element, [], ['']


 const tailwind = document.createElement('script')
 tailwind.setAttribute('src', '')

 const d = new Printd({
    headElements: [tailwind],



intuity-hans commented 8 months ago

would live to have some guidance here, too!

joseluisq commented 8 months ago

The reason is that you are using a script (that is injected) but it includes styles dynamically and for some reason, those are not injected when the iframe loads.

For example, If I have a script file my_script.js and use it as a script URL then it works.

// my_script.js
window.onload = () => {
    const cssText = `
        /* some tailwind styles */
    const doc = window.document
    const style = doc.createElement("style")


// main.js
const d = new Printd()
d.print(element, [], ['']

Maybe the tailwind script is injecting its styles but not on window.onload. No idea.

But the script has a warning: should not be used in production. To use Tailwind CSS in production, install it as a PostCSS plugin or use the Tailwind CLI:

What you can do is prefer to include style text or .css files rather than script files that inject other styles dynamically.