joseph / Monocle

A silky, tactile browser-based ebook JavaScript library.
MIT License
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Android 4.0.3 (Icecream Sandwich) Unknown chromium error: -6 #104

Closed damasia closed 12 years ago

damasia commented 12 years ago

I was trying with Monocle v2.2.0.

joseph commented 12 years ago

I have a couple of reports of ICS errors, but no test device yet, I'm afraid. Motorola isn't releasing their ICS update to international Xooms for some reason. If anyone can help out with this testing work, it would be much appreciated!

joaosantos81 commented 12 years ago

Hi damasia,

Can you provide more information about the issue that you are reporting?

Did it occur when Monocle was accessed using a browser (native ICS brower, Chrome, etc) or using Monocle within an hybrid app (using PhoneGap or other similar tool) ?

I am saying this because I did tests using Monocle 2.3.0 and a Android 4.0.3 default browser and everything seems to be working fine.


damasia commented 12 years ago

Hi Joseph. I was able to solve the problem, it wasn't related to Monocle. The "Unknown chronium error -6" was produced by a malformed url which purpose was to load the Monocle library. This invocation:

scriptElement.setAttribute("src", "url('file:///android_asset/" + path + "')");

needs to be replaced with this one:

scriptElement.setAttribute("src", "file:///android_asset/" + path);

in order to solve this issue.


jkofoed commented 12 years ago

I thought I would save all of yall a step. The Unknown error Chromium -6 shows up in USB Debugging mode also.

I bought an ICS device thinking we may be able to see more of the debugging information, to no avail.

Hope this helps you guys.