joseph / Monocle

A silky, tactile browser-based ebook JavaScript library.
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Zero width in marginal pannels #106

Open joaosantos81 opened 12 years ago

joaosantos81 commented 12 years ago

From my own tests, the width of marginal panels was always zero. Investigating this issue, I realized that setWidths function was using the method Math.floor. Since we expect that bw and fw will be lower in some cases, when applying the Math.floor, the result is zero.

So my suggestion is: 1) Use Math.round instead of Math.floor (it's more realistic). 2) Configure a min value (for instance, 5) to prevent these values beeing very low (and users cannot interact with these marginal panels)

luisfeliu commented 11 years ago

I agree. On small mobile devices I had a hard time getting the margins to register the touch event. I added your changes to the source files and also ended up changing the margins to improve the user experience. Now it works the way I expect it.