joseph / Monocle

A silky, tactile browser-based ebook JavaScript library.
MIT License
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It doesn't work anymore #140

Closed impnguyen closed 11 years ago

impnguyen commented 11 years ago

Hi guys,

i don't know what's the problem. I downloaded The full package "joseph-Monocle-1db1ed2/" to try the example source code, but any sample code does not work?! I tried with Safari on a mac and the google chrome. I also write my own app. The only way to show the animation is to fill the div with content. ( the book data object does not work, the sample code does not work too )

What is the problem? Could you help me?

lmvco commented 11 years ago

Did you build the version that you downloaded? Instructions to build are available at

Build process is mandatory in order to tests pages work well.

impnguyen commented 11 years ago

Hello Imvco,

I do not understand, why I need this building process? If i include the scripts and css, it should works also. But ok. I downloaded these 3 kinds of file. Sorry for my english, but i do not understand the instructions. Could you help meß


rubemz commented 11 years ago

@imoney91 Basically you need to have ruby and rubygems installed on your machine. After that, run:

once you finish these steps, go to the Monocle's root directory (where there is a file called Rakefile) and run rake on your terminal.

Basically, this command will build everything (gather together all the js and css files in few ones) using sprockets and create a directory called dist, where you will have the distributable files. And the tests reference that folder.

from Monocle/test/panels/index.html:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../dist/styles/monocore.css" />
impnguyen commented 11 years ago

Hello rubemz,

thank you for the detailed instruction. I tried but I have no persmission, but I have admin permission, so what's the matter?

error message:

"ad360:Downloads rnd$ gem install yui-compressor

ERROR: does not appear to be a repository ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError) You don't have write permissions into the /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8 directory. "

best regards

thank you

rubemz commented 11 years ago

@imoney91 try sudo gem install yui-compressor \cc @fgrehm

inntoon commented 11 years ago

I'm in the same (newbie) place as iMoney. Following your directions, I was able to get Ruby upgraded and the gems installed. Now, when I run the RakeFile inside the Monocle directory, I get:

/Users/dave.../Monocle/Rakefile ; exit; unknown0023dfff024f:~ dave$ /Users/dave/.../Monocle/Rakefile ; exit; /Users/dave/.../Monocle/Rakefile: line 1: class: command not found /Users/dave.../Monocle/Rakefile: line 3: syntax error near unexpected token (' /Users/dave/.../Monocle/Rakefile: line 3: def build(options = {})' logout

I have the same question as iMoney. What is the role of Ruby in this? Is it possible to package up a set of html and javascript files that can be run anywhere or does monocle need to be "served" by a Ruby application?

Thanks for your assistance with this. I realize you probably didn't sign up for teaching people how to use terminal, but the help is greatly appreciated.


lmvco commented 11 years ago

I am developing in a Windows machine, so I am using rake through Cygwin packages.

Steps to build Monocle in Windows

  1. Install cygwin -
  2. Select the packages below ruby ruby-rake
  3. Open cygwin command window
  4. Execute: gem install sprockets cd monocle_dist_dirc rake

On 9 October 2012 10:50, inntoon wrote:

I'm in the same (newbie) place as iMoney. Following your directions, I was able to get Ruby upgraded and the gems installed. Now, when I run the RakeFile inside the Monocle directory, I get:

/Users/dave.../Monocle/Rakefile ; exit; unknown0023dfff024f:~ dave$ /Users/dave/.../Monocle/Rakefile ; exit; /Users/dave/.../Monocle/Rakefile: line 1: class: command not found /Users/dave.../Monocle/Rakefile: line 3: syntax error near unexpected token (' /Users/dave/.../Monocle/Rakefile: line 3: def build(options = {})' logout

I have the same question as iMoney. What is the role of Ruby in this? Is it possible to package up a set of html and javascript files that can be run anywhere or does monocle need to be "served" by a Ruby application?

Thanks for your assistance with this. I realize you probably didn't sign up for teaching people how to use terminal, but the help is greatly appreciated.


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joseph commented 11 years ago

I appreciate that not everyone who wants to hack around with Monocle should have to build it. You can use the pre-built script in the downloads section here on Github. If you just want to explore the tests and examples, you can use the official test site here:

Building Monocle yourself is really only necessary if you are making changes to the core code for your own app or to contribute to the project. Thanks @lmvco and @rubemz for helping out with advice.