joseph / Monocle

A silky, tactile browser-based ebook JavaScript library.
MIT License
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iOS app #154

Open davidyanezv opened 11 years ago

davidyanezv commented 11 years ago


I wanted to include monocle in the main bundle of my IOS app. When I render the main html file in an in app webView that includes the monocle files and the content of the book. Probably because of the cross domain restriction of using file://. Is there anyway to make it work ?


afloresalmeida commented 11 years ago


I did it using Phonegap / Apache Cordova. This application solves the cross domain problem.

Hope it helps.



De: David Yanez Enviado: ‎14‎ de ‎novembro‎ de ‎2012 ‎19‎:‎24 Para: joseph/Monocle Assunto: [Monocle] iOS app (#154)


I wanted to include monocle in the main bundle of my IOS app. When I render the main html file in an in app webView that includes the monocle files and the content of the book. Probably because of the cross domain restriction of using file://. Is there anyway to make it work ?


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NirbhayK commented 11 years ago

I have also implemented using cordova + monocle combo and it solved the cross domain issues.