joseph / Monocle

A silky, tactile browser-based ebook JavaScript library.
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Keep question/answers together #177

Open RichHelms opened 11 years ago

RichHelms commented 11 years ago

I have a series of questions and multiple choice answers. A question/set of answers can end up spanning a page break so that part appear on one page and part on the next page.

Is there any way to identify a block of lines so that they are not split between pages?


RichHelms commented 11 years ago

I changed to 3.1.0 and did some more investigating of the issue.

  1. When
    is created it overlaps the body. This means questions in the top of the page are under the title so when an answer is clicked it is interpreted as a request to open the TOC. Where is the height of the bookTitle controlled? The runner div inside with the title is fine but the bookTitle div is about 6 or 7 lines tall. Thaks