joseph / Monocle

A silky, tactile browser-based ebook JavaScript library.
MIT License
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Any interest in IE or Safari support? #232

Closed waynesalhany closed 10 years ago

waynesalhany commented 10 years ago

The column gradually gets out of alignment as you page through a document. You can see this if you look at the sample implementation at if you open in IE!

This is enough to illustrate the problem. The browser I am testing with is IE 11.0.9600.16476.

In my case, I have a Word document I want to display using the reader! The content of the Word document is cleaned using and pasted into a txt file using Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V.

The txt file is stored on the file system of the web server and copied into the web page using PHP, etc. A remote co-worker tells me the problem also occurs in Safari. Neither of us experiences the problem using Firefox.

The implementation I am doing closely follows the instructions at We would like to keep the implementation as simple as possible. And, for now, the basic implementation is all we need except we have this display issue. I would like to see the problem solved in the Monocle code. That would be the right way to do it. Don't you agree? Thanks! Would you like to help?

joseph commented 10 years ago

Fixed in recent commits.