joseph / Monocle

A silky, tactile browser-based ebook JavaScript library.
MIT License
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Touch vertical scroll broken on mobile devices #258

Open j-christopher opened 9 years ago

j-christopher commented 9 years ago

Hi, First off, great product. Thanks for your hard work!

I am hoping to resolve an issue on mobile / touch-enabled devices - when you try to vertically scroll down a website's page, once you hit a Monocle section, Monocle prevents the vertical scrolling/touch events from registering. I would like to be able to scroll past Monocle when vertically scrolling and page flip when horizontally scrolling/flicking. How can this be achieved?

Thanks! J. Christopher

snsxn commented 8 years ago

I think it's not only monocle problem. When vertically scroll a website with a google maps inserted, when you reach that part the finger pans the map. A simple fix is to give some left and right margin and scroll within the blank area of it.