joseph / Monocle

A silky, tactile browser-based ebook JavaScript library.
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components via Ajax and <iframe> #52

Closed haniqassim closed 12 years ago

haniqassim commented 12 years ago

I have been using an AJAX call to load components following the Dubliners online example. It's been working fine for me. However, I have noticed there is duplicity in the content returned via AJAX in the "src=" in iframe as well as in between the tags. When I load Arabic UTF8 characters, iOS and Safari hangs. I'm suspecting this is the problem. I looked through the examples and I can't see an AJAX loading example.

Also, I have noticed that Dubliners is not using iframes at all.

Here's my bookData code:

var bookData = { getComponents: function () { return [ <% @book.spine.each do |item|%> '/books/<%=item%>', <%end%>]; }, getComponent: function (componentId) { return this.getViaAjax(componentId); },

  getViaAjax: function (path) {
    var ajReq = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", path, false);
    return ajReq.responseText;
joseph commented 12 years ago

I'm not sure what the UTF8 implications are of loading JS strings into the src attribute of iframes, but it sounds plausible. It'd be very helpful if you could prepare a simple test demonstrating this, because I haven't seen it myself.

Note that the Dubliners example at uses a very old (like March 2010) version of Monocle, pre-iframes and a lot of other stuff. If you're following along, you'll have more luck by looking at the examples in the /test directory.

haniqassim commented 12 years ago

Hi Joseph,

Apologies for the late reply. Got swamped with work. About the Dubliners example, I meant I used the Ajax call function just like you used it in Dubliners. I do realize it is old.

As for iframes, I am following ur updated test examples. It works perfectly with latin letters and the default {direction: ltr}. However, when I use {direction: ltr} in CSS and all Arabic text, it goes blank. I will try and get u an example as soon as possible.

The other problem with iframes is that it is harder to put some javascript/css controls from outside the iframe. The browser treats an iframe as another instance of a browser window, totally separate. It would be great if you can put an example of the same Ajax call function but to load html files into a div like in some of the test examples.

joseph commented 12 years ago

I haven't done a lot of testing with non-Latin characters (mostly because I don't know what I'm doing). A test here would be very helpful — either as a single commit to the test/ directory, or as a gist.

Iframes are the only method in HTML of sandboxing content in its own CSS and JS environment, which is essential for any non-trivial ereader implementation. Every test example (and now each example on the Monocle site) uses an iframe to display components — it's the way Monocle has worked since version 2. It should be very easy to put controls around this content, I hope this is documented extensively in all the examples as well as here:

Let me know if you can think of general-purpose improvements to the Monocle controls API or documentation.

joseph commented 12 years ago

I'm closing this as 'answered'. Please re-open if there are remaining queries related to this. There is a case for opening a separate ticket for text directionality in Monocle. I'll think about this.