joseph / Monocle

A silky, tactile browser-based ebook JavaScript library.
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Rendering error... #58

Closed aronwoost closed 12 years ago

aronwoost commented 12 years ago

... when, well, when the html is strange.

This file has only one content node. It is not rendered completely (only half or so) when used in a basic scenario (todo: will update the example gist soon).

aronwoost commented 12 years ago

Update: This issue only accours with Chrome (13) and Safari (5.1). In Firefox (5) it renders just fine.

aronwoost commented 12 years ago

I setup a demo:

Can you confirm that only two pages are rendered in Chrome/Safari?

joseph commented 12 years ago

Yep, I can see it too. It seems almost certainly related to this piece of code:

That has been completely overhauled in the ios5-unstable branch. Have you tried it there? If it's doing it there, we'll have to do some digging. :\

aronwoost commented 12 years ago

Yeah! Seems to be solved in iOS5 branch (sorry, for haven't testing that). Firefox is looking good too.

Can we consider that as solved? Or is further testing needed?

joseph commented 12 years ago

Figuring out a good measure of iframe widths was the major focus of my Monocle work in the first week or two of September. I'm pretty sure it's sorted. I'll close it and we'll create a new issue if we find another bogey.