josephernest / donetoday

DoneToday Android app
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Remove Header Image #7

Open acleu opened 7 years ago

acleu commented 7 years ago

I personally think no image is needed. Even if we take a beautiful picture (for our taste), some users will not like it, and find it distracting. And having an image is not the core of our app, so I think it can be removed. What do you think? (I personally think "the emptiest UI the better" lol).

can be transformed into

acleu commented 7 years ago

Yes, the header image is not important.

On the other hand, it can set a mood and if we include more images (or even load images from a server or update them), it could tempt users to open the app more often just to see the current picture.

We might remove the image for now and add it again later if we have enough time to keep it interesting.