josephhutch / aether

A responsive and clean Hugo theme for blogs
MIT License
146 stars 70 forks source link

featured image for a post not working #49

Closed ST2-EV closed 4 years ago

ST2-EV commented 4 years ago

I added the image to the static folder and gave the filename for source but no change is reflected Screenshot from 2020-02-14 14-45-14

josephhutch commented 4 years ago

Aether takes advantage of page bundles to optimize your images for your site. This may require you to update the way your content is structured, also see content organization.

For instance, if your webpage is then the markdown for the page should be written in content/posts/aether-theme/ and images should be stored in the content/posts/aether-theme/ folder. The src and description parameters should be in quotes too.

ST2-EV commented 4 years ago

thanks for the quick response just put the image inside the posts folder worked for me