josephnhtam / live-streaming-server-net

A .NET implementation of RTMP live streaming server, supporting HTTP-FLV, WebSocket-FLV, HLS, Kubernetes, cloud storage services integration and more.
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Multiple resolution support #49

Closed Indoraptor1 closed 1 month ago

Indoraptor1 commented 2 months ago

Hello! Is there any way to make that if i have a stream in 1440p it outputs 1080p and 720p as well, like twitch partners (

josephnhtam commented 2 months ago

Hi @Indoraptor1

Please refer to Adaptive Bitrate HLS

Indoraptor1 commented 2 months ago

Hello! Thanks! I used the StandaloneDemo, but if i stream in 1440p, how can i view the 720p stream?


using LiveStreamingServerNet.AdminPanelUI;
using LiveStreamingServerNet.Flv.Installer;
using LiveStreamingServerNet.Networking.Helpers;
using LiveStreamingServerNet.Standalone;
using LiveStreamingServerNet.Standalone.Installer;
using System.Net;
using LiveStreamingServerNet.Rtmp;
using LiveStreamingServerNet.StreamProcessor.FFmpeg.Contracts;
using LiveStreamingServerNet.StreamProcessor.Hls.Configurations;
using LiveStreamingServerNet.StreamProcessor.Installer;
using LiveStreamingServerNet.StreamProcessor.Utilities;

namespace LiveStreamingServerNet.StandaloneDemo
    public static class Program
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            using var liveStreamingServer = CreateLiveStreamingServer();

            var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

            builder.Services.AddBackgroundServer(liveStreamingServer, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 1935));

            var app = builder.Build();


            app.UseAdminPanelUI(new AdminPanelUIOptions { BasePath = "/ui", HasHttpFlvPreview = true });

            await app.RunAsync();

        private static ILiveStreamingServer CreateLiveStreamingServer()
            return LiveStreamingServerBuilder.Create()
                .ConfigureRtmpServer(options => options.AddFlv()
                    .AddVideoCodecFilter(builder => builder.Include(VideoCodec.AVC))
                    .AddAdaptiveHlsTranscoder(config =>
                        config.FFmpegPath = ExecutableFinder.FindExecutableFromPATH("ffmpeg")!;
                        config.FFprobePath = ExecutableFinder.FindExecutableFromPATH("ffprobe")!;
                        config.VideoDecodingArguments = "-hwaccel auto -c:v h264_cuvid";
                        config.VideoEncodingArguments = "-c:v h264_nvenc -g 30";

                        config.DownsamplingFilters = new DownsamplingFilter[]{
                            new DownsamplingFilter(
                                Name: "360p",
                                Height: 360,
                                MaxVideoBitrate: "600k",
                                MaxAudioBitrate: "64k"

                            new DownsamplingFilter(
                                Name: "480p",
                                Height: 480,
                                MaxVideoBitrate: "1500k",
                                MaxAudioBitrate: "128k"

                            new DownsamplingFilter(
                                Name: "720p",
                                Height: 720,
                                MaxVideoBitrate: "3000k",
                                MaxAudioBitrate: "256k"
                .ConfigureLogging(options => options.AddConsole())
    public class HlsOutputPathResolver : IFFmpegOutputPathResolver
        private readonly string _outputPath;

        public HlsOutputPathResolver(string outputPath)
            _outputPath = outputPath;

        public ValueTask<string> ResolveOutputPath(IServiceProvider services, Guid contextIdentifier, string streamPath, IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> streamArguments)
            return ValueTask.FromResult(Path.Combine(_outputPath, streamPath.Trim('/'), "output.m3u8"));

My server has RTX A2000 GPU

josephnhtam commented 2 months ago

Hi @Indoraptor1

If you want to use ASP.NET Core to serve the HLS files, you can refer to the AdaptiveHlsDemo

The output m3u8 master playlist, which provides a list of variant streams of different bitrates and resolutions, will be like this:




If you are using hls.js to play the stream, you may check its Quality Switch Control API to select the 720p stream. For video.js, you may check the plugin videojs-hls-quality-selector. Alternatively, you can directly play the stream with output_720p.m3u8, which is a media playlist.

Indoraptor1 commented 2 months ago

Thanks again! Is there any way to restream a stream? Forexample i stream to this localhost server from obs in 1440p 60fps and i want it to stream 1080p 60fps to youtube and 720p 60fps to twitch and kick.

josephnhtam commented 2 months ago

You may be able to do that with Custom FFmpeg Process

I haven't tested the following script, but you may try to do something like this:

        private static ILiveStreamingServer CreateLiveStreamingServer()
            return LiveStreamingServerBuilder.Create()
                .ConfigureRtmpServer(options => options
                    .AddFFmpeg(options =>
                        options.Name = "restream";
                        options.FFmpegPath = ExecutableFinder.FindExecutableFromPATH("ffmpeg")!;
                        options.FFmpegArguments = "-i {inputPath} -c:v libx264 -vf scale=-2:720 -c:a copy {outputPath}";
                        options.OutputPathResolver = new RestreamPathResolver();
                        options.Condition = new RestreamCondition();

        private class RestreamPathResolver : IFFmpegOutputPathResolver
            public ValueTask<string> ResolveOutputPath(IServiceProvider services, Guid contextIdentifier, string streamPath, IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> streamArguments)
                return ValueTask.FromResult("rtmps://");

        private class RestreamCondition : IStreamProcessorCondition
            public ValueTask<bool> IsEnabled(IServiceProvider services, string streamPath, IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> streamArguments)
                return ValueTask.FromResult(true);