Hi, sorry if not the best place for this. Github removed the PM feature apparently since the last time I used this and people said to raise an Issue to communicate.
I and other SOTN speedrunners are really interested in your SOTN randomizer project. Currently as it stands, relic randomization is only so fun... A few of us (myself included) are programmers, and while I can't say I'm the best with python, we were wondering your thoughts and such on getting item randomization next. Also is enemy randomization possible without graphical bugs (like enemies are on a different spritesheet entirely yes?)?
Is all items stored in an array similar to relics (we assume yes). I wouldn't have the first clue on how to find this array (as reverse engineering is something I've hardly dabbled in yet) - however, if you are interested and can find this array like you did relics I and maybe a few others wouldn't mind going through the array and getting the ID of each item - like the slave labor work and figuring out how all of that works, especially with modifying what items are dropped by enemies (for example an axe lord could drop Alucard's shield and we get this to be reflected in the library monster list too?).
If you are interested or can help us achieve this stuff we'd like to talk with you on discord. My discord id is "Neko#6032".
Another idea would maybe to do loading zone randomizers. Since the loading rooms must have a source and target, it might be possible to just swap those numbers around.
Hi, sorry if not the best place for this. Github removed the PM feature apparently since the last time I used this and people said to raise an Issue to communicate.
I and other SOTN speedrunners are really interested in your SOTN randomizer project. Currently as it stands, relic randomization is only so fun... A few of us (myself included) are programmers, and while I can't say I'm the best with python, we were wondering your thoughts and such on getting item randomization next. Also is enemy randomization possible without graphical bugs (like enemies are on a different spritesheet entirely yes?)?
Is all items stored in an array similar to relics (we assume yes). I wouldn't have the first clue on how to find this array (as reverse engineering is something I've hardly dabbled in yet) - however, if you are interested and can find this array like you did relics I and maybe a few others wouldn't mind going through the array and getting the ID of each item - like the slave labor work and figuring out how all of that works, especially with modifying what items are dropped by enemies (for example an axe lord could drop Alucard's shield and we get this to be reflected in the library monster list too?).
If you are interested or can help us achieve this stuff we'd like to talk with you on discord. My discord id is "Neko#6032".