josephtaylor / sketch-mapper

A reimagining of SurfaceMapperGUI for Processing
MIT License
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SketchMapper broken with macOS Catalina #28

Closed MattyB95 closed 4 years ago

MattyB95 commented 4 years ago

I am currently unable to run SketchMapperTest while operating on macOS Catalina error below is produced when tried. I am not able to reproduce this error on Windows!

2020-02-10 18:14:33.656 java[78362:2117301] WARNING: NSWindow drag regions should only be invalidated on the Main Thread! This will throw an exception in the future. Called from ( 0 AppKit 0x00007fff391f0265 -[NSWindow(NSWindow_Theme) _postWindowNeedsToResetDragMarginsUnlessPostingDisabled] + 371 1 AppKit 0x00007fff391d7bc5 -[NSWindow _initContent:styleMask:backing:defer:contentView:] + 1416 2 AppKit 0x00007fff391d7637 -[NSWindow initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer:] + 42 3 libnativewindow_macosx.jnilib 0x000000010f37c3fe Java_jogamp_nativewindow_macosx_OSXUtil_CreateNSWindow0 + 398 4 ??? 0x000000010f4eb667 0x0 + 4551784039 )

MattyB95 commented 4 years ago

Looking in more detail seems to be related to the below and looks like it is a broader Processing issue; however, it currently means I am unable to run SketchMapper on my Mac :(

WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred WARNING:` Illegal reflective access by processing.opengl.PSurfaceJOGL (file:/Applications/ to method sun.java2d.opengl.CGLGraphicsConfig.getContextCapabilities() WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of processing.opengl.PSurfaceJOGL WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release

josephtaylor commented 4 years ago

Those all look like warnings though, is there any other output in the terminal when it crashes?

josephtaylor commented 4 years ago

I have a mac but I can't put Catalina on it cause it'll break Ableton and Max :smile:

josephtaylor commented 4 years ago

It looks like it might be related to this bug in jogl which they'll have fixed in their next release version 2.4.0, but I can't tell when that's gonna happen. Their last release was in 2015.

MattyB95 commented 4 years ago

Yes, I believe you are correct and thanks for your advice. There is no other warnings in the console and Processing locks up and goes into "Not Responding" mode.

I will close this because it is related to Processing in general and not SketchMapper.

I was able to get some workaround by using the new alpha version of Processing (4.0 alpha 1). However, it still would lockup in the processing IDE. Yet, by importing the libraries and using an alternative Java IDE (IntelliJ), I was able to get SketchMapper working again <- May be useful if anybody else experiences this issue.