The issue here I bring up isn't really a bug issue. It's more like a discussion
to some bits which can be done better.
1 - Order of customised controls
I realise that I could not have the controls the order I want. In the current
version - 0.6, the default toolbar is arranged like this: bold, italic,
strikeThrough, underline, etc... If I insert my customised control like this -
italic, bold, underline, strikeThrough, I cannot have the controls re-ordered
in the way I entered.
So I changed something in the JS file to make this work:
I replace the following:
options.controls = $.extend(true, options.controls, Wysiwyg.TOOLBAR);
for ( var control in controls )
if ( control in options.controls )
$.extend(options.controls[control], controls[control]);
options.controls[control] = controls[control];
into something like this:
options.controls = $.extend(true, {}, controls, Wysiwyg.TOOLBAR, controls);
I know there are two "controls" here which isn't very elegant, but at least
it's better than a loop like above.
2 - Size of the editor div
I saw these two lines in the JS file for finding out the width of the original
textarea before replaced by the rich text box:
var newX = element.width || element.clientWidth;
var newY = element.height || element.clientHeight;
Please allow me to raise a question here - would it better to use
"element.offsetWidth" than "element.width" here? I am aware of the difference
between offsetWidth and width. offsetWidth includes all the margin, padding,
border, etc of the element while width would exclude all these. People use
width most of the time because they want to save the troubles, however, when
there is a scrollbar in the textarea in the first place, the width will be
miscalculated if using the 'width' property. The final width of the rich text
box will be exactly one scrollbar-width smaller than the initial textarea.
Since the scrollbar can be of any size depending on the OS and browser, it is
difficult to add the "missing width" into the width of the final rich text box.
I am suggesting to use offsetWidth and then deduct all margin, padding and
border combined, then you will get the width of the textarea with the width of
the scrollbar included.
3 CSS value mismatched
I saw a line of code to set the width of the iframe in the JS file:
width : ( newX - 8 ).toString() + 'px'
Shouldn't it be 10 rather than 8 here? According to the default CSS, the
padding of the wrapping div is 5, so double it (padding-left and padding-right)
you get 10.
4 - Width of the main div
Kind of relating to the previous issue... I work with XHTML-strict, so to set
the correct width for the wrapping div, it should be:
width : ( newX > 0 ) ? ( newX - 10 ).toString() + 'px' : '100%'
rather than
width : ( newX > 0 ) ? ( newX ).toString() + 'px' : '100%'
because in XHTML-strict, the padding is not included in the width of the
Original issue reported on by on 28 Jun 2010 at 10:58
Original issue reported on by
on 28 Jun 2010 at 10:58