josephwilk / amrita

A polite, well mannered and thoroughly upstanding testing framework for Elixir
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Certain fact name strings cause an error #81

Closed josephwilk closed 10 years ago

josephwilk commented 10 years ago


defmodule Tennis.Game.Specs do
  use Amrita.Sweet
  import Tennis.Game

  fixtures = [
    [[playerA: 0, playerB: 0], :playerA, [playerA: 15, playerB: 0]],
    [[playerA: 15, playerB: 0], :playerA, [playerA: 30, playerB: 0]],
    [[playerA: 30, playerB: 0], :playerA, [playerA: 40, playerB: 0]],
    [[playerA: 30, playerB: 0], :playerB, [playerA: 30, playerB: 15]],
    [[playerA: 40, playerB: 0], :playerA, Game[for: :playerA]],
    [[playerA: 0, playerB: 40], :playerB, Game[for: :playerB]],
    [[playerA: 0, playerB: 40], :playerA, [playerA: 15, playerB: 40]],
    [Game[for: :playerB], :playerA, Game[for: :playerB]],
    [Game[for: :playerA], :playerA, Game[for: :playerA]],
    [[playerA: 30, playerB: 40], :playerA, :deuce],
    [[playerA: 40, playerB: 30], :playerB, :deuce],
    [:deuce, :playerB, Advantage[for: :playerB]],
    [Advantage[for: :playerB], :playerA, :deuce],
    [Advantage[for: :playerA], :playerB, :deuce],
    [Advantage[for: :playerA], :playerA, Game[for: :playerA]],
    [Advantage[for: :playerB], :playerB, Game[for: :playerB]],

  lc [state, player, expected_state] inlist fixtures do
    @player player
    @state  state
    @expected_state expected_state

    facts "For state <{inspect(state)}>" do
      fact "when <#{player}> scores, the new state should be <#{inspect(expected_state)}>" do
        score(@player, @state) |> equals @expected_state

And the error:

* (UndefinedFunctionError) undefined function: :"Elixir.String.Chars.<<>>".to_string/1
    :"Elixir.String.Chars.<<>>".to_string({:<<>>, [line: 30], ["when <", {:::, [line: 30], [{{:., [line: 30], [Kernel, :to_string]}, [line: 30], [{:player, [line: 30], nil}]}, {:binary, [line: 30], nil}]}, "> scores, the new state should be <", {:::, [line: 30], [{{:., [line: 30], [Kernel, :to_string]}, [line: 30], [{:inspect, [line: 30], [{:expected_state, [line: 30], nil}]}]}, {:binary, [line: 30], nil}]}, ">"]})
    deps/amrita/lib/amrita.ex:82: Amrita.Facts.fact_name/1
    deps/amrita/lib/amrita.ex:121: Amrita.Facts."MACRO-fact"/5
    test/tennis/game_test.exs:30: Amrita.Facts.fact/2
    test/tennis/game_test.exs:29: Tennis.Game.Specs (module)

Note changing fact -> test solves the error.

josephwilk commented 10 years ago

Thanks @BjRo, your tennis example helped me spot and fix this bug!

BjRo commented 10 years ago

Oh awesome!!! I totally forgot to ping you about that :-)