josephwright / beamer

A LaTeX class for producing presentations and slides
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autoref and nameref seem not to work as exspected (i.e work like in article mode) #865

Open ouboub opened 8 months ago

ouboub commented 8 months ago


A while ago in issue 750 I wrote that cleverref and beamer do not work together well, but also found a sort of fix.

Now I am facing the same problem with autoref and nameref. I attach a minimal example and would appreciate any advice

  \def\@pdfborder{0 0 1}% Overrides border definition set with colorlinks=true
  \def\@pdfborderstyle{/S/U/W 1}% Overrides border style set with colorlinks=true
                                % Hyperlink border style will be underline of width 1pt

  colorlinks=true,% hyperlinks will be coloured
%  linkcolor=blue,% hyperlink text will be blue
  urlcolor=blue,% hyperlink text will be blue
%  linkbordercolor=red,% hyperlink border will be red
  urlbordercolor=red,% hyperlink border will be red
  \frametitle{Equations are here}
  this is important
    \int f dx =0
  \frametitle{Reference with autoref}
this is   \autoref{eq:beamer-auto-nameref:1}

But using eqref \eqref{eq:beamer-auto-nameref:1}
  \frametitle{Now a theorem}
  \begin{thm}[Riemann's Hypothesis]

  \frametitle{Reference to the theorem}

  Consider \autoref{thr:beamer-auto-nameref:1}

And \nameref{thr:beamer-auto-nameref:1}

and the pdf file


ouboub commented 7 months ago


I found a solution for the required functionality but it relies on cleveref, any comments are welcome.


Uwe Brauer

 % fix for cleverref
 \let\chyperref\cref % Save the orginal command under a new name
 \renewcommand{\cref}[1]{\hyperlink{#1}{\chyperref{#1}}} % Redefine the \cref command and explictely add the hyperlink. 
   \hyperref[{#1}]{\Cref{#1} (\nameref*{#1})}%

   \frametitle{Equations are here}
   this is important
     \int f dx =0

   \frametitle{Now a theorem}
   \begin{thm}[Riemann's Hypothesis]

   \frametitle{Reference to the theorem and the equation}
