josephwright / biblatex-phys

A biblatex implementation of the AIP and APS bibliography style
LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c
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Titles as hyperlinks? #35

Open schtandard opened 1 year ago

schtandard commented 1 year ago

When reading bibliographies in the computer it is really useful to have a hyperlink the a reference's webpage. When no url/doi is printed, this is currently done only for articles, making the journal name, volume, pagees/eid and year into a link. For books or other entry types this is not done, even when a url/doi is present.

I would love to just make every title a hyperlink if possible. In my own biblatex.cfg (mainly used for academic theses) I adapted title and maintitle+title to do that, though I would look for proper places more carefully for a PR. Wanted to get some feedback on the idea first, though.

Maybe an option hypertitles (or something like that) to activate this behavior would be the way to go, as linking titles could be a bit overwhelming with colorlinks.