josh- / CloudyTabs

CloudyTabs is a simple menu bar application that lists your iCloud Tabs.
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App Localization #15

Open josh- opened 10 years ago

josh- commented 10 years ago

I'd love to be able to localize CloudyTabs and translate the user interface strings into various different languages – support for localization was added in commit 472a94c1ea and I'd warmly welcome any pull requests from people fluent in a language (French and German lprogs have been included merely as a reference at this stage).

Alternatively, if you're someone who's fluent in a non-English language but aren't familiar with the process of localization on OS X/iOS then please either comment here with your translations or get in touch via email and I'd be super-happy to help you get your translations included in the app :smile:

ghost commented 10 years ago

Hi Josh,

These are the Dutch translations (language code "nl"):

"Open All Tabs From" = "Open Alle Tabs Van"; "Launch %@ At Login" = "Open %@ Bij Inloggen"; "Quit %@" = "Stop %@"; "%@\nChanges Last Detected: %@" = "%@\nLaatst Gedetecteerde Wijzigingen: %@";

pmontp19 commented 10 years ago

These are the Spanish translation (ES)

"Open All Tabs From" = "Abrir todas las pestañas de"; "Launch %@ At Login" = "Abrir %@ al arrancar"; "Quit %@" = "Salir de %@"; "%@\nChanges Last Detected: %@" = "%@\Últimos cambios detectados: %@";

And here the catalan translations (CA)

"Open All Tabs From" = "Obrir totes les pestanyes de"; "Launch %@ At Login" = "Obrir %@ a l'iniciar sessió"; "Quit %@" = "Sortir de %@"; "%@\nChanges Last Detected: %@" = "%@\Últims canvis detectats: %@";

izhaomin commented 10 years ago

These are the Simplified Chinese translation (zh_CN.lproj)

"Open All Tabs From" = "打开该设备上的所有标签页"; "Launch %@ At Login" = "登录时自动启动%@"; "Quit %@" = "退出%@"; "%@\nChanges Last Detected: %@" = "%@\n最近更改: %@";

These are the Traditional Chinese translation (zh_TW.lproj)

"Open All Tabs From" = "打開該設備上的所有標籤頁"; "Launch %@ At Login" = "登錄時自動啟動%@"; "Quit %@" = "退出%@"; "%@\nChanges Last Detected: %@" = "%@\最近更改: %@";

yogoo commented 10 years ago


"Open All Tabs From" = "Ouvrir tous les onglets de"; "Launch %@ At Login" = "Ouvrir %@ à l'ouverture de session"; "Quit %@" = "Quitter %@"; "%@\nChanges Last Detected: %@" = "%@\nDerniers changements détectés : %@";

josh- commented 10 years ago

Thanks so much @makruiten, @pmontp19, @izhaomin and @yogoo!

The changes are now live in the repository and I'll publish an update in the next few days with these new localizations.

I'll also leave this issue open in case anyone else would like to help translate the app into another language.

lsmoura commented 10 years ago

Just created a pull request for pt_BR localisation. Thanks for this app!

josh- commented 10 years ago

Cheers @lsmoura!

The v1.3 update is now live too, this includes all the translations that have been submitted to me via GitHub or email – thanks again to everyone who have submitted translations! :smile:

czusr commented 9 years ago

These are the Czech translations: (CZ)

"Open All Tabs From" = "Otevřít všechny záložky z"; "Launch %@ At Login" = "Spustit %@ při přihlášení"; "Quit %@" = "Ukončit %@"; "%@\nChanges Last Detected: %@" = "%@\nPoslední detekované změny: %@";