josh-collinsworth / joco-sveltekit

The home of my static SvelteKit site.
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blog/converting-from-gridsome-to-sveltekit #4

Open utterances-bot opened 2 years ago

utterances-bot commented 2 years ago

Converting from Gridsome to SvelteKit - Josh Collinsworth blog

I've been a fan of Svelte for years, but never had the opportunity to use it on a serious project before. So when I found myself looking for a new platform for this site as SvelteKit entered open beta, it seemed like perfect timing.

tonyketcham commented 1 year ago

This is a great writeup! Love the ergonomics of SvelteKit and I recommend it to everyone in place of Gridsome for the same reasons you listed on migrating away.

One piece I missed about Gridsome was its built-in GraphQL API that would weave together relational markdown + frontmatter data in content generated by tools like NetlifyCMS.

I wanted that experience in SvelteKit, so I built Flatbread. It's a FOSS tool that's essentially a standalone, framework agnostic GraphQL API generated on top of the markdown/YAML collections you feed it, like the one found in Gridsome! 😁

If it fits your use-case, I definitely recommend checking it out - it's made some of my static sites a breeze to work through since I don't have to manually relate data (ex. Posts <-> Authors) parsed by MDSvex